August 24, 2011

Make Room for Baby

***I'm hosting a giveaway this week, so make sure you go click here so you can enter***

Every day on his way home from work, Josh calls to let me know he is on his way.  Our conversation goes much the same each day.  I ask how his day was, he asks what we're up to, and so on.  Usually, I let him know we're making dinner, or playing, or whatever, but last week after a particularly frustrating time getting dressed where absolutely nothing fit/looked attractive, my natural response to "what are you doing?" was "being an oompa loompa."  Josh answered with something like...well at least you only have 6 months left to go (he has such a way with words, huh).  Instead of getting upset with him for his lack of sympathy response, I immediately brought to his attention that we have way less than 6 months until this baby fact, it's more like a little over four.
Having gone through this once already (and life in general), I know how quickly those 4 months turn to 3, and then 2, and then before you know it, a little baby has arrived and needs constant tending to.  Ever since our conversation last week, I have been busy racking my brain with all the things we need to get done before that wonderful day.  You know I love me a good list (and even took the time to name this one), so here's what I've come up with
Mission: Make Room For Baby
Nursery (formerly Colton's room):

in its current state
  • pick out bedding, accessories, etc.
  • paint room
  • reupholster chair?
  • something for corner
  • clean out closet
  • make closet dividers
  • mobile
  • mirror
  •  window treatments
  • accesories

Colton's New Room (formerly guest room):
in its current state...minus cute puppy who is currently lounging next to me instead
  • clean out closet...find place for coats
  • new dresser 
  • big boy bed
  • paint
  • bedding 
    • DIY duvet cover?
  • paint nightstand
  • repaint mirror
  • teepee
  • window treatment?
  • clothes hooks
  • towel hooks in bathroom
  • install bathroom shelves/baskets
  • double stroller
  • book newborn photos
The problem with this list is I'm pretty sure it will get longer before it gets shorter, but at least, it's a start.  Time to start tackling!  

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