December 17, 2010

Lessons from a Snow Day

No matter how old I get, there is still nothing quite as exciting as waking up to see the bottom of the news screen scrolling with school closings and delays, especially once that Norfolk Public Schools (where I am gainfully employed) flashes up there. In my first few years of teaching, we didn't have one single snow day, but in the last couple of years, snow seems to have made its way back to Va. Beach. Today, we were given the gift of another snow day because this was the scene here:

That was the view from our front door. And this is the view of our front door:
Now, if you're not from Virginia Beach, and particularly if you're from somewhere north, I know this is nothing (trust me, I've heard it all day), but for us, this is a bonafide snow storm, a day that I (Josh still had to go to work) was most definitely snowed in. All that down time really gave me some time to think...about life, how life is different now than my last snow day in February, about snow, etc, and this is what I have decided:
1. Like most other things, babies make snow days way more fun. Watching Colton see his first snowflake land on his coat, giggle at Chipper running and eating the snow, and plopping himself down in a big ole' pile was pure delight.
2. Colton's naptime is pure bliss. I know I just said I loved watching baby boy play in the snow, and I totally did, but it was also so nice to put him down for a nice, long nap and take some time for do a little baking, a little blog reading/writing, to take a hot shower.
3. Snow days are meant to be spent in warm pajama pants sipping hot chocolate (during the day) and wine (at night)...have all on hand if snow is in the forecast.
4. A big applause to our public school systems who closed schools this morning before the first flake had even fallen simply because of the forecast. As a card-carrying member of the Virginia Beach born and raised club, I can proudly say that I, and most other people in this area, have no idea how to drive in this stuff, however pathetic that may be. Thank you for not forcing me to risk my, and more importantly, baby boy's safety simply to get a school day in.

And finally:

5. Once again, today proves to me (and hopefully my hubby as well) that I should be a stay-at-home mom. Colton and I had a great day and made some fantastic memories. Josh came home to a home-cooked meal, a clean house, and a completely taken care of baby. Hmmmm...only 112 (or so) days left, but who's counting?

That's to snuggle up, enjoy the scene, and sip my wine. Have a lovely day/night everyone:)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle! Love your snow pics.....I, too, live in Virginia Beach and know what you mean about the snow. This year we have had more snow than I ever remember (and I've been here for a long time!). Only thing I can say is that it's a good thing that the Christmas snow happened when it did or the kids would be going to school till the end of June!


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