May 6, 2011

Grandma's First Mother's Day Gift Idea

Wow!  I can't believe another year has gone by and another Mother's Day is upon us.  I remember last year's so vividly, probably because it was my very first official Mother's Day.  Because of that, the day took on much more meaning for me last year, and I was anxious to get my own mom something significant to mark her first mother's day as a grandmother as well.
The only problem is my mom is not your typical mom.  She has not an ounce of domesticity (of course I mean that in a nice way), so most traditional mom gifts are out.  On top of that, she (or my dad) tends to buy herself anything and everything that she wants, so it is hard to get her something that she wouldn't have already purchased (again...mean it in a really nice way).  So, back to last year...I was racking my brain trying to come up with something sentimental/creative/practical/affordable, etc. to get for the first time grandma Meme (she does not like to be referred to as grandma).  What I came up with is hardly earth shattering, but I (and more importantly, my mom) was actually really pleased with it so I figured I would pass it along to you all in case you are in search too.
I headed to Target and bought my mom a big tote bag to use as her own diaper bag for when Colton is over at my parent's house.  Truthfully, by the time I finally came up with this idea, I was running pretty short on time, hence the Target bag.  If you got a quicker start, I'm sure you could come up with something better.  In the bag, I put some diapers, wipes, changing table cover, and a set of Colton's spare bottles (the boy was always picky about his bottles, so having a Dr. Brown's handy was crucial).  Looking back, I could have also put some bibs, snacks (Mum Mum crackers are always a hit with Colton), and maybe even a change of clothes.
While it does not sound like much, my mom LOVED her gift.  She proudly sports it whenever they are babysitting.  Because the bag giving was in my pre-blogging days, I unfortunately have no photo, but can instead share with you a photo of me, my mom, and a very small Colton from that lovely day:


  1. That is a really cute idea, Michelle! I'll have to keep it in mind for whenever that day comes for me! :)
    Happy Friday (and hopefully get to see you next weekend!!)

  2. I can see why your mom doesn't prefer the grandma title, she totally doesn't look like one! You both look so tan and happy. Have a wonderful 2nd Mother's day this weekend!


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