About a month ago, the four of us were out back having a little family play session. Josh was busy throwing the ball for Chipper. Chipper had stopped for a bit and was standing still when a bird dove down and pecked his poor behind (or got awfully close to it...it's very hard to tell). Josh and I looked at each other in disbelief, but went on playing, figuring it was just a coincidence and the bird must have wanted something near our darling dog. When the bird went in for his second attack, though, we knew we had a situation on our hands, especially when I noticed the birds perched in the trees above our yard chirping and conspiring with each other, presumably plotting their next attack on our sweet cockapoo. I freaked, took Colton in, and insisted that Josh get Chipper inside pronto.
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Now I am clearly not a birdologist (clearly as I don't even know the official word), so I'm hoping some of you have some experience and/or expertise you can lend us. Please tell me this has happened to someone else! First off, what could Chipper possibly have done to piss these birds off? And now when/how do we get it to stop? Can/will the bird actually hurt our dog? Or Colton? Or me? How can I protect Chipper besides not letting him out back cause he totally won't go for that? Aaaahhh...help!

The birds would act this way if they had a nest. My dad had some birds attacking him, but there was a nest in his bush by the garage. Have you seen any nest activity?