December 8, 2010

Tree Decor: Chic or Sentimental?

So, I am relatively new to the whole Christmas tree decorating thing. Josh and I first got one three years ago for our first Christmas as a married couple, and to say this Jewish girl was excited is probably an understatement. As with most things Christmas, I was thrilled to finally have a bonafide reason to join in all the merriment of the holiday with the rest of the world.

To be honest, though, Josh and my Christmas tree was not the first tree I had helped to decorate. In years past, I had joined friends' families in their Christmas tree decorating traditions. I remember vividly each family bringing out boxes and boxes of ornaments, and each ornament seemed to have a story to tell: "baby's first Christmas," the first grade craft ornament, the yearly picture know what I'm talking about. So, when Josh and I first started decorating our tree a few years ago, I set out to start our own collection. Some were particularly meaningful like our first Christmas, but others are just ones we have purchased over the last few years, like the fun ESPN sportscenter one that lights up and sings to us (oh boy, huh!?!). Anyway, for the most part, I am happy with our growing collection but then I see images like these and get a little sad:

So pretty, right? And so chic! I think I would be so happy to come home to any of those (especially the first one or the fun pink one) every day.
But here's the there a way to have one of these beauties in my house while still holding on to and even building on to my collection of memorable ornaments? What do you all do? Is your tree filled with memories? Or a magazine picture? Or somehow a combination of both?
Please, please, please, please (do you get the idea...I'm starting to feel like one of my first graders) share.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, new follower here! What a cute blog.

    I love the pink tree...if only my boyfriend would've let me get one of those...

    Can't wait to see more in the future! Hope you're having a great week.


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