December 10, 2010

Beg, Plead, Beg, Plead

I asked for followers once before, about a few months back, but in this season of asking for presents, I figured I should beg you once again to follow me.

I am definitely new to this blogging world, and would thus far, consider this much more of a hobby than anything else. One thing I have learned, though, is that cool in blog world = having more followers. So far, my showings are pretty pathetic, although I sincerely thank each and every one of you! Now, I wish I could make this like something I do for my first graders and promise each of you a special treat if you are so kind as to follow me, but, alas, I'm a teacher; I don't make that much money. So....all I can do is beg...and promise you some mildly (hopefully!) entertaining posts about once a day. So, if you're reading this, ***enter excessive begging and pleading*** PLEASE FOLLOW ME (and tell your friends and friends' friends to follow me...hell even make up people to follow me; I don't care!). It's really easy...just click follow...I promise you won't regret it!

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