Next up were these square mirrors in a my favorite apple green. While they could have been a little blah in their square shape, all it took was four mounting square each and these lovelies were able to hang in a much more exciting direction. See how they reflect the outside world and liven up that space?!? You ready for the price tag...$5 each, $10 total. Again, serious bargain...thank you Target, you really are one of my true loves
And finally, my most unexpected find. A parent had given me a $50 Walmart gift card at the beginning of the school year (really nice, huh!). Well, I loathe Walmart so I had yet to use the money. With a little spare time, though, many things can be accomplished, so while Colton was down for his nap, I ventured in....and man, am I glad I did!!! First thing, it was not nearly as trashy or crowded as I remembered from my last trip (!), and secondly, I found this beautiful floor-length beauty of a mirror for...wait for it...$44! For all you math whizzes out there, that means I actually scored the mirror for free, with $4 left on my gift card. I seriously might go back tomorrow for another one for our guest room. The only problem is the mirror is black, but that's nothing a little glossy white paint can't fix (stay tuned for tomorrow's post about that project).
So, there it is...my fun weekend finds. Anybody else have any successes this weekend?
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