Like this:
That's Chipper's favorite game. It's called "I have something you should want, so now come get me." The only problem is we don't...we just let him sit there with it in his mouth...he looks ready for the chase, though, huh?
Or this... one of Colton's favorites games. That's Chipper's toy basket he has dragged out and taken residence in, hence Chipper's agitated/annoyed/confused look.
Or how about the boys taking a dip together on a hot summer day (sorry for my lovely outfit...I have gotten into the terrible habit of wearing my gym clothes all day; while it does save on laundry, I feel like it needs to be fixed?).
And finally Colton and his daddy taking in his first baseball game together (well actually he went last year too, but he wasn't very aware of the game then!). After watching a lot of baseball on tv with his dad, Colton was excited to get to see it in person (and I was excited that we got to cross an item off our summer bucket list)!
So, that's a little glance into my little slice of heaven. How about you guys? Ever stop and realize just how lucky you are?

Colton is a doll. I loooove his cheeks. :)