Well, that's my take anyway...Josh sees no logic in home improvement project. Don't get me wrong, he enjoys ***most of the time*** when I tackle something, but he rarely gets involved. I don't know what's gotten into him, but when I casually mentioned that this empty Saturday on our calendar would be a good day for a little project, he did not shoot me down. Now, the chances of this actually being pulled off are probably small, but as soon as he didn't scoff, my mind immediately went to this sore spot in our kitchen:

The previous owner had one of those pan holders hanging there, which I didn't like. I have tirelessly searched for some art to put in that space, but nothing quite seems to fit. So, my newest idea for the space (and the reason I need Josh's assistance) is to build a shelf in between the two cabinets. Just one simple shelf...how hard can that be. I figured our new shelf would be able to showcase pretty white dishes, maybe like this...

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