February 27, 2012

Pre-Parenthood Appreciation

It seems like all around us our friends and family members are pondering the big jump into parenthood.  Many have taken the leap within the past few months or are about to in the next few.  And then there are still a handful that keep insisting they are waiting just a bit longer, and some even adamantly deny they will ever become parents.
In light of all this discussing, Josh and I got to talking the other day about being parents and the things we missed.  Let's first preface this with the obvious disclaimer that we both LOVE our boys, our life, and being mom and dad...bbbuuuuttt there are some moments throughout the days that I wish I could go back to those glorious responsibility-free days of yore.
There were some obvious things that we knew we would be giving up (like sleep!), but there have been some other things that have caught me more by surprise...things I wish I would have realized I should be appreciating before they were no longer part of my reality:

  • A clean car: I swore I would never be one of those people, but my car is now covered in Cheerios, milk spots, and usually has an apple core tucked in the cup holder.  I clean it out, and it happens again within days.  I give up...I'm one of those people!  Pre-parent people...bask in your perfectly kept cars, but please don't judge me.
  • Girl time: Time away from the kids is rare enough, but taking time away from all of my boys is even rarer.  Partly because of logistics, partly because I genuinely enjoy spending time with all of them, and partly because I feel guilty not being with them, but it's definitely hard to fit in some quality time with my friends (I'm working on it though). 
  • Hangovers: Obviously, getting out without the boys is hard enough, but even when we do, I've learned we still need to be especially careful about how much we have to drink.  Have you ever tried tending to a baby, or even worse a toddler, hung over???  Totally not worth it!  If you're still in your pre-kid years, seriously do yourself a favor...go out, get wasted, and then just lay in bed all day the next day!
  • Lunch from non-drive through establishments: I was so excited to leave teaching and be able to get a real grown-up lunch whenever I wanted.  I didn't think of the fact, though, that it takes way too much effort to lug both boys and all their necessities out of the car just to get a sandwich.  Sadly, I still eat most of the same lunches I did when I was confined to my school's cafeteria...
  • TV: When the boys are awake, I feel guilty enough having the tv on, but if it's on, it certainly can't be on "The Jersey Shore," "Housewives," or any of my other faves.  As much as my boys need to learn the importance to GTL, I really just can't justify it as educational.  I really do miss me a good Bravo marathon day.
Other parent friends out there...anything you can think of that I'm missing?  And you pre-parent ladies (and gents), seriously heed my advice and relish in these (and other) joys of being able to be completely selfish and responsibility-free!!!


  1. I realized the other day just how much I missed blasting the music in my car when a great song comes on. That and typing with more then one hand!

  2. Also using the anthropomorphic alone and leisurely showers.


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