November 23, 2010

My ABCs of Thanks

I try to be thankful every day. You see, I consider myself to be exceptionally blessed, and I also believe that if I am not perpetually aware of that, that it will all disappear...karma if you will. But with Thanksgiving a couple days away, a day officially dedicated to giving thanks, I decided to try to think of something for each letter of the alphabet that I was thankful for. To further this self-imposed challenge, decided I could not use anything too obvious (ie: Josh for J, Colton for C)...that I needed to think outside the box. So, without further ado, my ABCs:

A: AFTER COLTON'S BEDTIME TIME. I love my baby boy more than life itself, but I must admit I breathe a sigh of relief once he is tucked snugly in his crib for the night. Whether Josh and I spend the time having a nightcap, or I just lay on the couch watching tv, it is a nice reminder of our responsibility-free life pre Colton.

B: BOYS. I am a lucky lady to have three fantastic boys that I come home to and share my life with everyday. My husband is truly my best friend, my baby has brought us so much joy, and our puppy is more than just a dog; he is a family member.

C: CHIPPER'S COLLAR. OK, don't judge us, but Chipper wears a "shock collar." The good news is we RARELY have to actually use this thing (and trust me, the shock is barely anything), but this collar transforms our maniac of a dog into the sweet, cuddly guy that he can be. Seriously, when the batteries die, we have an emergency!

D: DATE NIGHTS. Admittedly, these have been way less than I thought since Colton came around (I really thought we'd be fending off babysitters...oops!), but I guess that makes me cherish them even more. Time spent being just Josh and Michelle, not parents, is essential in my eyes, and such a welcome treat:)

E: EFFORTLESS CLEANING. As in, Rowena, our cleaning lady, does it...once a month to be exact (I am working on Josh to up it). When I agreed to go back to work, one of my conditions was that we needed a cleaning lady. Remarkably, my husband agreed, and I am super thankful that I don't have to spend my vaulable weekend time on this task.
F: FIRSTS. It is such a treat to watch our baby boy navigate life, to explore french fries, new places, a loud noise. I feel so blessed to have been given this opportunity.

G: GENEROSITY. Having a baby this year really showcased how many generous people we are lucky to have in our lives. Whether it was my coworkers baby shower and overwhelming gift, my sister's constant clothes purchases for Colton, or distant friends and relatives shows of support, I have honestly been overwhelmed

H: HOUSE. The day Josh and I moved into this house, we had a moment in the back yard when we looked at each other and remarked at how far we had come. Our house is not huge or overly impressive necessarily, but I am proud that we have worked hard enough to be able to own something like this at our ages!
I: INTERNET. The Internet is my "down time." Whether its blogging, checking Facebook, reading other blogs, shopping, etc., I look forward to these mindless tasks every day.

J: JILLIAN MICHAELS AND THE JCC. These both were the keys in getting my pre-baby body back, and in the age of vanity, I am very thankful!

K: KISSES. Whether they be the excited, knock you down kind I get from Chipper each time I get home, the nibbles that are Colton's first kissing attempts, or my sweet husband's daily kisses good morning, good night, and at other imprompu moments, I am fortunate to be kissed many times daily. I know, lucky girl!

L: LAUGHTER. Our house is filled with laughter every day. My husband honestly has a fantastic sense of of the many things I love about him. Chipper's antics keep us all laughing, and Colton's giggles are so fantastic to hear! I love that I laugh my way through life:)

M: MOBILE PHONES. Now that Colton is here and I am working, I try my best to spend my time at home with him, actually with him, and not on the phone or wrapped up in other tasks. Therefore, most of my phone talking is done in the car. I talk to my mom every day, and my sister most days.

N: NIGHTS WITH THE HOUSEWIVES. The Real Housewives name the city, I am obsessed. Now, admittedly, the 10:00 air time usually ensures that I watch these the next day or even on the weekends, but I covet my dose of "reality" tv like no other.

O: OPPORTUNITY. My dad has worked really hard for the last 30+ years, and now Josh and I (and my brother, sister, and their families) are lucky enough to reap the benefits. With even more hard work, Josh and I will be able to provide a life for Colton (and whoever else comes along) that exceeds our wildest dreams.
P: PRETZEL M AND M'S: I have a stash in my desk at school and a stash in our pantry. The perfect little treat when you just need something sweet, with a little salty!

Q: QUIET. It doesn't happen often anymore, which is why I now appreciate it, but those moments when I am the first one up, or when my first grade classroom is actually silent, are gold.

R: RELATIONSHIPS. Not only am I lucky enough to spend every day with my best friend, but we have supportive, loving people around us at every turn. To this day, I know I can count on my parents to love and support me through absolutely anything in my life. My brother and sister are two of my best friends. On top of that, I have friends that are almost more like family, and coworkers that make work almost enjoyable.
S: STEELERS. I have been watching the Pittsburgh Steelers with my family for 30 years now. Some of my fondest memories revolve around the Steelers. Every Sunday, we get together to watch, and I am so happy to have this tradition to introduce to my son.

T: TARGET. Enough said, love the place.

U: UGGS. Uggs make winter bearable; they're one of the few things I actually look forward to in that miserable season.

V: VIRGINIA BEACH. Growing up, I swore I would leave here. But now that it looks like we are lifers, I can tell you how fortunate I feel to have grown up here and to raise my family here. Sure, we don't have a Crate and Barrel and desperately need one, but other than that this city has just about everything you need, especially the beach, and isn't so big that it's overwhelming.

W: WEEKENDS. Our weekdays are hectic to say the least (5:30 AM wakeups, going nonstop til 7PM), so weekends are a necessity. Time to catch up on sleep, errands, and most importantly, quality time.

X: XCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBERS (ok a little cheat, but still). I grew up in a house filled with love and support. As an adult, I still feel that love, support, and now friendship on a daily basis. I have realized lately that not everyone is as lucky as I am.

Y: Yogurt, frozen yogurt from the Skinny Dip specifically. As an ice cream fiend, this figure-friendlier alternative was my savior this summer. Certainly doesn't hurt that it is a mere minutes away.

Z: ZERO BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS. In my classroom, that is. For those of you who have ever set foot in a classroom, you know how crucial and lucky this is. I can honestly say that I have a fantastic, sweet, hard-working bunch of first graders this year, which makes leaving my baby a little more bearable.


  1. I'm visiting from Mingle Monday! I love your blog and your ABC's of thankfulness. Very cute!

    Go Steelers!!! :)

  2. Hi from Mingle Monday! Wow, this is a very admirable list of thanksgiving...way to go! Your blog has a great look, too.


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