December 2, 2011

Week 35 Pregnancy Update

"Time flies when you're having fun," or at least that's what I've been told!  I think with all the travelling and holiday celebrating, the last five weeks of this pregnancy have flown by.  Even more exciting is the fact that this will almost certainly be my last pregnancy c-section has to be scheduled before my 40 week mark (and yes, we're still pushing for it to be scheduled right around 39 weeks, thus before the end of the year, securing us a little tax break!).  So, here's the latest:
appropriate caption: "This is as good as it gets folks"

Weight Gain:  You know the best thing about blogging?  You only have to reveal what you really want to.  I'm not being sneaky enough to keep this from you totally, as honestly, I really haven't looked at the scale to know what it says, but I know it's not pretty!  The doctor mentioned a 10-pound weight gain at one of my recent appointments.  It's safe to say that I am going to have my work cut out for me when this is said and done.

Maternity Clothes:  Well, yeah, this is the only option I have now...that and my workout pants coupled with large men's t-shirts!  I will say I happened to go into a Motherhood Maternity last week because a shirt in the window caught my attention.  I hadn't done any maternity shopping this time around because I get dressed so rarely/had so much left from Colton, but let me tell you, that store has come a looonnnggg way since my last pregnancy.  There was actually cute stuff in there!
Also, as you can tell from the above outfit, I am a really big fan of  open cardigans over non-maternity tanks...this is my standard I need to look presentable outfit!

Sleep:  Yep, the insomnia has kicked in big time...most nights I am up for about 1-2 hours at some point.  I read that  you should get up and do something, so I've watched movies, typed some lovely blog posts, and read.  Considering I stay at home and can usually catch a quick nap during Colton's nap time, it really hasn't been that a way, it's kind of nice to have some quiet, alone time...well, alone except for my sweet, cuddly pup
I think if he could talk, he would say, "what the hell mom...go to bed!"

Cravings:  I still don't have cravings...this is now two pregnancies with no real sightings to mention.  I don't know if it's the mention of my massive weight gain or just knowing that the end is near, but I have actually started wanting healthier, I'm actually ready/excited to diet (we'll see how long that lasts!).

Movement:  Baby X is busy and super crowded...I think!  We can often feel limbs, head, butt, etc. poking out.

Belly Button Status:  Still holding steady as in. Stretched to its max , but still in...

Best Moment of the Weeks:  We've picked a name (at this point, though, I'm thinking I'll just wait until his arrival for the grand reveal!).  I also had a mini-shower of sorts when I was in Florida for my cousin's shower.  She was sweet enough to share her weekend with me by taking my mom, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, and grandfather's girlfriend to the Melting Pot for dinner on the Friday night we were there.  She had set up some decorations to really make it feel like a sweet!

What I Miss:  Honestly, pretty much everything at this point...I'm ready to get back to able to move around, wear real clothes, sleep, drink, bend over to put on my shoes/pants, run errands without having to stop in every store to pee (luckily Colton has grown quite fond of flushing the toilet...maybe that will pay off when we finally decide to conquer potty training). get off the couch without grunting, etc.

And the not so pretty: I've had some slight swelling, mainly in my fingers (or at least that's the only place I noticed it!).  My rings still technically come on and off, but the swelling kind of freaks me out (I didn't really experience it with Colton) so I end up not wearing them most days!  I have also spotted the beginnings of that dark line down my belly (I think it's called the linea nigra technically)...I thought I had escaped it because I remember getting it much earlier with Colton (or maybe I didn't, which is why I'm writing this stuff down this time), but I guess I don't have stretch marks so no real complaints here.

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