September 21, 2011

Random Wednesday Musings

I have been busy over here in Virginia Beach.  Unfortunately, none of it is necessarily earth-shattering.  In an effort to avoid a series of totally boring posts, I am hoping to knock it out in one (hopefully just semi-boring!) little roundup.  So here we go.
First, a picture of the view from our driveway:
So what you say?  Well, as of today, almost a full four weeks after Irene brushed our area with a little bit of rain and wind, the city of Virginia Beach FINALLY managed to pick up the storm debris.  I am usually a big fan of Va. Beach, but 4 weeks...seriously?!?  Especially because some of our neighbors took the storm cleanup as an opportunity for some regular pruning/clean up as well (rightfully so), we have been dodging tree limbs and bags of leaves on the streets for a long time now.  Thank goodness that's gone.

Second, I got around to sorting through Colton's newborn and 3 month clothes today.  I was anxious to see what we were working with.  The good news?  We certainly have plenty of pajamas for this new baby.  And hopefully, it will be warm enough when this child turns 3 monthsish (which will probably be around March/April, so fingers crossed) because Colton certainly had a ton of adorable summer clothes (I actually got a little misty eyed looking at them again).  The bad news (which is actually kind of good for me because I love to shop!)?  We need some major long-sleeve newborn stuff.  

Third, while looking for a lighter the other day (we desperately needed to light a candle after the smell of the  fajitas I had made the night before was still lingering!), I stumbled across a bag of decorative coffee beans I bought a couple years ago.  I decided to fill my CB2 tea light holders with them to add a little bit of excitement to the dining room.  I'm liking the result
they look better up close...promise!
And finally, I must apologize for the craptastic photos today and for the next few weeks.  Sadly, my beloved Sony hybrid camera's USB port is loose.  I had been managing by taking the photo card out each night, inserting it in my old Cannon, and uploading pictures via it.  But the camera is still under warranty, and it seems pretty dumb to let it go without getting fixed.  Alas, it has been shipped off to somewhere in New York for service, so hopefully it will be back and better than new before we know it.  Until then, bear with me!

Well, see, that wasn't that painful was it?!?  I know, not the most exciting post ever, but at least now you  know, I haven't just been sitting on my arse all week, right?

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