November 25, 2010

Turkey Thursday Part 4: The Details is here: Thanksgiving Day has finally arrived (actually it seems to have come really quick to me for some reason, but I guess that's besides the point). Let me wish you all a very, very happy Thanksgiving! In honor of the big day, I decided we could all play a quick game...I mean everyone needs a break from cooking, football watching, and family time, right? So here it is...5 questions for you to answer about your Turkey Day preferences. I have answered each question right here. You go ahead and reply with a comment and list your Turkey Day preferences right there. Kindof fun, right????

1. Do you prefer a casual Turkey Day or something a little more upscale?

For me, its a combo of both. I think Turkey Day calls for something a little more than jeans and paper plates, but not necessarily my Sunday's best...I do need to be comfy to accomodate the insane amounts of food I am about to consume. We whip out the wedding china (have to take advantage of our once-a-year chance to use it), dress up a bit (think going to a nice dinner), and try to have some fun.

2. What time do your Turkey Day festivities commence?

We usually kick off around 3 with appetizers and plan to eat dinner around 4.

3. Do you do Turkey Day buffet style or set a full, festive table?

It's buffet style for us, simply because I would rather save the table space for decorations and people! Plus, not everyone can fit at one table, so this way everyone has equal opportunity, easy access to the goodies.

4. How do you "give thanks" or do you just save the day for eating?

Sadly, we haven't really taken much of an official opportunity to give thanks at our past Thanksgivings. Sure, someone does a toast, and there is usually a brief conversation, but with baby joining us this year, I am all about attempting to start some traditions. This year, I have purchased some pretty "thank you" notecards. My plan is to have each family member jot down what they are thankful for and place them in a bowl. At the end of the night, I will tie them all together and save them for next year. Next year, we will whip out the old ones, reminisce, and add new ones to the ring. Now let's just see if my typically bah-humbug family members will play along. Outlook doubtful!

5. What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving Day?
For me, its the "celebration." I love any good party and love the pomp and circumstance that go into getting everyone together. Mix in some wine, good food, and fun family members, and memories are made that will last a lifetime. How much better does it get?

So, there we along please. I can't wait to hear what you all have going on. And again, happy Turkey Day:)

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