
June 1, 2012

Summer Lovin: My Mantle

With temperatures approaching 90 degrees, tropical storm remnants dropping down on us, and my sun-kissed skin, I think we can safely say that summer has arrived her in VB!  With its arrival, then, it was time for me to switch out our springish decor for something that had more of a summer vibe.  Last year, I went with seashells, sand, and lots of taupe and white (you can check it out here if you wish).  But this year, I wanted something that had a bit more color.  Here's what I came up with:

Per usual, I had most of the supplies.
The vase is filled with small paper lanterns that I took off their "string" a few years ago when we had a Sip and See party to meet Colton (told you it was awhile ago!).
I made the "H" button monogram last year for our summer mantle and borrowed the blue balls (hehe) from my collection of thumbtack balls I made last year (tutorial here).
I had Mason jars on hand, but wanted my mantle to be a bit brighter and happier.  I used blue enamel paint and a basic foam brush to give them a quick coat.  After they air dried for a couple days, I put them in the oven for 30 minutes and voila...
I also made some pinwheels from cardstock that I had laying around the house and stuck them in a vase.
Oh, and I took the left over card stock from my pinwheels to create this simple pendant banner for the mirror.

And finally, I did "splurge" a bit ($3)! on a starfish to put in my frame.  After putting some card stock in the frame, I glued the starfish to the glass.
I liked the stuff so much that I decided to add one more blue Mason jar and another set of pinwheels (in authentic sand taken from Mom and Dad's beach) to our tv console:
I must say, these may be my favorite seasonal additions yet.  They are bright and happy...and summery!  
How about you all?  Been doing any summer decorating?
PS: I thought I was finally being a little creative with my post title, and then realized I had the same title last year at this, I'm pathetic!

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