
September 2, 2011

My New Brother?

I have been frantically scouring the internet for inspiration to transform Colton's big boy toddler room and our new baby boy's nursery (although I have made myself a solemn vow that nothing will be added to either room before things have been cleaned out!).  I am pretty pleased with my progress, but am beyond frustrated at the crib bedding options available for baby boy (I should probably just reveal his name so this doesn't get confusing).
   We've I've chosen to go with a gray, yellow, and turquoise blue color scheme for his nursery.  Amazingly, there are about zero crib bedding options available that fit this.  So...I started looking at custom stuff, both on etsy and through other sites.  Well, custom is CRAZY expensive and because I'm piecing it together myself by looking at computer swatches, I am getting increasingly worried that the pieces (bumper, sheet, skirt) are not going to coordinate as nicely in person as they seem to on my screen.  The next logical step, then (at least in my DIY mind), was to start looking at buying fabric and making my own stuff.
The major problem with this is I have not the first idea of how to sew.  I can use no-sew hem tape like crazy (as evidenced in this post), but I don't think that would cut it for this project.  So...I started looking into sewing machines.  Again, I need to remind you I know absolutely nothing about how to sew, so I really don't even know what to look for in a sewing machine.  But in all my research, I seem to be getting lead to this guy...
                                    Product Details
That's the Brother XL2600I.  Supposedly, it's the perfect machine for a beginner, which again, I totally am.  But I still am a little wary to take this leap of faith (and shell out the 100 bucks him).  I'm pretty sure I'll get plenty of use out of the thing if I can figure out how to use it...besides crib bedding, there's curtains to make for both rooms, a possible teepee for Colton's, Colton's duvet cover, maybe even a Halloween costume, dining room table runner, etc. down the road.  But I'm very concerned that when they say "beginner," they're not quite accounting for how much of a beginner I really am (I've mentioned I  know absolutely nothing, right?!?).

So, what do you all think?  Anybody have any experience with this machine or any others you could recommend or steer me away from?  Do we think this is a good idea?  Help me out bloggy should know by now, I s.u.c.k. at decisions!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle, I'm also looking into a sewing machine and just bought one from Target. It's actually a Hello Kitty machine (which sounds silly, I know) but every review on there seems to say that it is great for beginners,and adults on there who ARE sewers say it's a great machine, too. Just go on Target's website and type in 'sewing machine' and it's the cute teal-ish colored one. It's only 115 bucks and free shipping.
    I asked my mom (who knows how to sew, sewing machines and things like that) and she said the Janome is a better brand than the Brother brand (I had been considering the Brother machine as well).
    Hope that helps!


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