
September 1, 2011

Registry Essentials Checklist

Last week, one of my preggo friends asked me for my version of registry essentials as she was about to head out and do some registering herself and was utterly confused.  I remember being in the same boat myself with Colton (for this child, we probably will not even have to of the advantages of having another boy!), so I figured I would share with you all the list I shared with her in case you too find the whole baby registering thing totally overwhelming.

Before I begin, let me preface this with a few things.  For one, registry companies will make you feel like you need absolutely every baby product on the market...YOU DON'T.  With that being said, every child and family is different, so different baby products work better for some than others (for example, I personally preferred to leave Colton in his car seat and put it in the shopping cart while shopping, but I know others who swear by a Baby Bjorn or some other carrier for the same task).  Because you probably don't know in advance what kind of person you are or what your child may end up liking (another example: Colton was never a huge fan of his swing, while I know plenty of others who loved it...who knows, maybe this baby will like it?), it never hurts to register for something...just don't be afraid to return it either.  Another problem with baby registries and baby life in general is that they use most products for about a 2-3 month span tops before moving on to the next stage of development and needs.  As you register, try to get things they are going to need for the whole first year (ie: highchair, boucner, etc) not just those first few months!  Finally, I tried to breastfeed with Colton and did not make it very long (4 days to be precise...he was losing too much weight and it scared the crap out of me), so my list does not include any other breastfeeding essentials.

So, here's the list.  I tried to include not only the product, but also a brief explanation as to why I find it to be so important .  I hope this doesn't insult your intelligence, but I was so overwhelmed by all this stuff a couple years ago and could have really used some explanation!
Baby Registering 101
Changing Table top: I recommend this highly over a traditional changing table.  We put ours (from Land of Nod) on top of a dresser that Colton (or future baby) will use for years hopefully, thus saving money in the long run!
                Pad cover x2 at least: They'll get want to have some extras on hand for emergencies.
Mobile for crib: Colton's plays music...I don't know if that helps him fall asleep, but it certainly doesn't hurt! It also keeps him entertained when he wakes up before we want him to.
Mobile or some attraction for over changing table: We don't currently have one, but really want to do something for Baby 2.  Colton has always been a disaster to change, like total wiggles, and I'm thinking this would help...possibly?
Diaper Genie: My non-baby friends make fun of me for having one of these, but our house doesn't smell like dirty diapers.  Plus, we don't have to take diapers out constantly...maybe once a week or so (honestly, it's Josh's job to empty the Diaper Genie and one I intend to never learn how to looks pretty nasty)
Bottles (stock up…like 8-10 on hand!): Babies drink A LOT of milk, like constantly.  Josh and I found it easiest to make ALL the bottles at night, store them in the fridge, and then go through them throughout the day, as opposed to trying to make them as we need them.
Bottle drying rack: Obviously those just cleaned bottles need a place to dry out while they wait for the next fill up.
Bottle cleaner brush: Regular cleaning tools don't work, so splurge for the $4 and get a brush.
Swing: Kindof a baby cliche...I already mentioned Colton was never a huge fan of his, but it was a good hangout spot for him in those early days before he could really do much.
Bumbo seat: LOVE IT!  Before baby can sit up on his/her own, this little wonder helps them, so you don't have to hold them.  We took it to the beach, tailgates, outside, and just for everyday hanging out.
Bouncer seat: Again, totally loved ours.  Because it was so portable, it became Colton's go-to spot while we ate dinner, I took a shower, or whenever he needed somewhere to hang.  Plus, we used it for a good nine months or so...definitely our longest running baby product.
Stroller to put car seat in: It doesn't matter what stroller you get, but make sure the car seat can be snapped in (as opposed to having to remove baby)...never wake a sleeping baby!
Umbrella (light weight) stroller: As great as the above stroller is, it's pretty damn heavy.  Sometimes, you want something easier to get out, set up, and maneuver.  
Sophie: "The teething giraffe."  Our lifesaver.  Colton still loves his Sophie.
Video Monitor: It probably isn't a necessity, but I loved getting to watch Colton.  It was reassuring and just plain cute.
Diaper bag: Obviously a need, but go for something stylish AND practical, something that you wouldn't mind using every day.  I had big problems early on because I would leave my wallet or keys in the diaper bag, and then not have them when I needed them the next day.  
Baby Bjorn: We didn't use this as much as others, but it was really useful for football games and other places  where standing was necessary.  Even little babies get heavy after you want to have your hands free every once in awhile.  It's a good thing to have on hand when you need it!

There are other products that we used, but these are what I would probably consider the must-haves.  You will probably notice that I didn't list clothes on there.  Don't bother registering for will probably get more clothes (at least in newborn sizes) than  your little fashionista could ever wear!

Hopefully, this is helpful to you.  Let me know if you have any questions, not that I am an expert, but I have been through it before!

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