
September 5, 2011


Happy Labor Day all!  I hope you all are having a fantastic Monday off.  Ours is going to be a little low-key after our beach day yesterday turned into a little adventure.
Wanna hear the story?  Sure you do, right?
 A little husband HATES the beach, despises it he tells us, and literally refuses to go.  Because I (and now Colton) love it so much, he agrees to accompany us a couple times a summer.  Yesterday was one of those days.  In an attempt to keep him entertained, my parents decided Josh should have the duty of driving the jet ski (which he does, or at least used to, actually enjoy) around from the launch point to their house...a drive that should take about 10 minutes.  Long story short, Josh ended up lost at sea for over an hour.  He basically went way too far out and then way too far down and couldn't figure out where he was or how to get himself back.  My mom and I had started walking the beach looking for him, and I was literally about 2 minutes away from calling the Coast Guard to locate him!  It was actually kind of scary for a bit.  Once he finally did find us (it took 10 of us waving him down on the beach), it became pretty comical and now I'm pretty sure it will go down in infamy as one of our family classic stories (do you all have those know, the ones you retell over and over)!
But I digress...back to the title of this post.  Before the ill-fated jet ski trip, we spent our Saturday at the ODU football game.  ODU is our local college, and while Josh nor I didn't technically go there (well, I guess I actually got my Master's there, but for some reason I don't count that), my dad purchases football and basketball season tickets each year, so we have gotten pretty into the sports scene there.  As much as I enjoy a good football game, what I really get excited about is the tailgating (what's not to, drinks (when I'm not preggo), friends, sun).  ODU's football program only began a few years ago, so admittedly, our tailgates don't live up to some of the big schools or even my alma mater (UVA), but we have a good time!
Before I show you, let me warn you about a couple of things: 1. I am not in a single picture as usual and 2. these are pretty Colton-centered.  I guess this goes to show 1. I don't trust anyone else with my camera and 2. I only remember to take pictures when my son is looking cute...must remember to work on that.

that's my mom on the left in case you're curious

sister on right...again if you're curious
and yes, that's hubby on right

my dad is the one holding Colton...we didn't hand him to a strange man

Yep, we all had a pretty good time (even if this marks the beginning of my second out of the last 3 seasons that I can't drink at these things!).  And of course, this doesn't even show you some of the delicious eats we had to take advantage of, some of which were made by yours truly.  I will be back tomorrow with that stuff, so check back, especially if caramel or cheesy chicken sound appealing to you (obviously not together!).

Have a safe and happy Labor Day!  Remember...if you take a jet ski out, pay attention to what the landscape looks like, so you don't get lost:)


  1. Hi from Monday Mingle! I miss football games. it was the highlight of college.

  2. Hello from Monday Mingle!! :-)

    I'm so glad your hubby made it back safely! Eek. I was scared for him just reading the post!

    I also loooove football games and tailgating. Such a fun fall activity with family :-)

    Cute blog!

  3. Hello from Mingle Monday! I'm so glad your husband made it back OK -- how scary! Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day!


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