
March 5, 2012

Happy March!

For 29 years of my life, March meant it was officially my birthday month.  But then, two Marches ago, my sweet Colton was born, and now the arrival of March means it is his birthday month (his is exactly one week after mine!).  Honestly, I can't think of anyone better to share the glory with. Actually share is a generous term...the boy has completely stolen my thunder, but miraculously, I really am ok with it!
As it is now his birthday month, preparations for his party are in full swing.  One project I was especially excited to get started on was his birthday wreath.  I had pinned a balloon wreath quite some time ago, and was literally just waiting anxiously for his birthday to come around, so I would have a reason to make it.  So, now that it is March, I had my reason, and I got to work!  Originally, I had planned to wait until his birthday party to put it on display, but I was so happy with it and was pretty over my winter wreath (especially considering temperatures have been more springlike here anyway), so I put it up as soon as I finished it.

How fun is that?  All of the balloon wreaths I had seen were done in all colors of the rainbow, but I wanted mine to be in greens and blues to go along with Colton's birthday party colors.  Actually, at first I had planned to just get grass green and sky blue balloons, but couldn't find enough of those.  Thank goodness too because I think just the two colors would have been a bit bland.  As it turned out, I ended up using three different shades of green (dark, lime, and grassish) and two shades of blue (sky and royal).    If you want to make your own wreath, here's what you'll need

  • straw wreath shape (keep the plastic wrap on)
  • balloons (all told I used about 125)
  • greening pins (you can find them in the floral department of any craft store)
With your supplies on hand, all you have to do is fold each balloon in half, stick a greening pin in it, and push it down into the wreath shape.  Repeat that process, overlapping the balloons as much as you want until the whole thing is filled up.  The more balloons, and the tighter together they are, the more festive your wreath will look!

I'm a big tradition person, and I already have visions of whipping out the wreath every March (and maybe January too for Levi's birthday...or maybe he'll get his own...hmmm) to commemorate my boy's birthday.  Can't you just see teenage Colton groaning as I proudly place the birthday wreath on the door?  Tear, tear.


  1. I looooooooooove it! My hubby turns 30 this month and I'm throwing a pretty big shindig. I think a birthday wreath just may be in order.

  2. CUTE!!!! March is a pretty big bday month for us as well! This is a great wreath- super cute!


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