
March 2, 2012

Random Thoughts by Me

Yay y'all...we've made it through another week.  Honestly, my brain has been on blog meltdown for the week with not too much to share with you, so instead of trying to come up with something profound I figured it just made more sense to share with you some of the smaller nuances of my brain instead:
  • Each Friday, I am a little surprised at how excited I am to make it to a weekend.  One would think that as a stay-at-home mom my days all pretty much blend together and that the weekends would have lost their luster.  Not so, my friends.  Josh is home with us, I allow myself some much needed adult beverages, I don't work out...weekends are just as glorious as when I was working!
  • After you all's support a couple days ago (thanks to those of you who commented), I bit the bullet and bought the Wal-Mart table (on a side note I can not tell you how much I loathe Wal-Mart...I'm a complete Target girl).  I've put it together, and although it still needs its blue paint, I'm thinking it's a good fit for our porch space (despite all the junk in the picture).  Agree?

  • Have I told you how happy I am that Bethenny Ever After is back?  Seriously, my all time favorite reality show/person.  I really think she and I could be good friends if we ever met in real life (and then maybe I would be invited to a glorious girls weekend in the Hamptons...).
  • And sticking with the reality show theme, I hate to even mention it, but I'm sure you all have heard that Snooki is supposedly preggo.  This just goes to support my long-standing belief that one should have to have a license or some sort of formal training before they are allowed to become a parent (if you had taught First Grade in my urban school district you would understand).  Seriously, think about it: you need a license to drive, go through crazy background checks to own a house, or have a job...pretty much everything you do, you have to get approved for it first: except becoming a parent!!!  I'm going to do a rough draft legislation on that one...
Just to prove how much my brain is crashing lately, I swear there was even more stuff I wanted to share with you all, but I am completely drawing a blank.  Plus, both my boys are finally sleeping soundly which means it is quiet here, which means I need to go enjoy!!!  Have a fantastic weekend everyone

1 comment:

  1. I love Bethenny...her, her show, everything. Your sister and I often commented last year that we could totally be friends with her! She's awesome. Enjoy your weekend :)


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