
March 6, 2012

Levi: Month 2

Yep little man has already been alive for another whole month.  And what an exciting month it has been.  Between month one and now, I feel like he has really come alive...he is cooing, smiling, and has even giggled a couple of times...all the fun stuff!  Here's his monthly picture:

At month one, I shared with you a list of the items we found to be essential at the time.  Really, most of them are the same now.  But there are a couple of additions I wanted to share with you:
1.  Dr. Brown's pitcher mixer:  We use Dr. Brown's bottles in our house.  When Colton was a baby, it felt like we were constantly cleaning and/or making bottles.  But with this pitcher, we can mix up a batch of about eight bottles (Levi currently eats 4-5 oz. and this thing holds up to 40 oz.) in one sitting.  We fill up some bottles and then leave the rest right in the pitcher to fill up empty bottles (once they are cleaned) when needed.  I'm sure it's actually the same amount of work, but it doesn't feel like it!  Plus, the pitcher supposedly helps in eliminating gas because you're not shaking anything up.  I don't know if  that's the case, but I can say Levi is a pretty gas-free kid!

2.  Bundle Up: With Levi being born in January, I was very worried about how we would keep him warm while he was in his car seat (of course I couldn't have predicted that temperatures would rarely be cold enough to really be an issue, but still).  We put this on his car seat and now don't have to worry about piling on the blankets, layers, etc.  On the few days we have really needed it, he seems to have been snug as a bug in there.

As we head into another month, I can not wait to see what baby boy has up his sleeve...fingers crossed that is some sleeping through the night action (hint hint Levi).

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