
March 22, 2011

White (Chocolate) Trash

Technically, I'm not sure that's the name of this wonderful concoction, but whatever it's name, this stuff is delicious and easy, although it certainly does not look that way.  I have made this "trash" before with tons of different ingredients, so the possibilities are truthfully endless.  This weekend, though, I whipped up this white chocolate version and am here to share the tasty details with you. 
First, you need to round up your ingredients.  Again, pretty much anything goes, but I used:
  • 1 bag mini pretzels
  • 1 box corn Chex
  • 1 jar dry roasted unsalted peanuts
  • 1 bag M and M's
  • 2 x 12 oz. bags of white chocolate chips

You will also need a big a** bowl (or a smaller one if you want to do it in two batches) and some wax paper.  Tape the wax paper down to your kitchen counter before you begin, so you can be sure it is ready when you need it.  (side note: I had to tape mine to our kitchen table because we have a crazy cockapoo, just in case you're curious).  This is how much big my wax paper space was, and it was just about perfect:
With the wax paper firmly in place, I set about combining my ingredients in the biggest bowl I could find.  Start with the biggest pieces (for me, chex and pretzels) and then add in the smaller pieces (peanuts, M and M's) so they don't get stuck at the bottom. 
In a separate microwave-safe bowl, melt your chips by nuking them for 30 seconds, stirring, and repeating as many times as it takes.  Once melted, pour the melted chocolate over the snack mixture.  Then, stir and coat away.  Once coated, lay the mixture out in a thin layer on the wax paper to solidify.
Once done, it can be broken up into small pieces and stored in an airtight container (or served in pretty cups at some one's Little Man birthday party this weekend)


  1. my grams use to make this EVERY Christmas for us to nibble on :) good stuff * *

  2. I have never heard of this... it looks so yummy!!

  3. Nice, chex mix/trail mix with chocolate. Sounds delicious! I make trail mix on a weekly basis so maybe next time I'll add chocolate for an added treat (I usually just throw in mini m&ms).

  4. It sounds sooo yummy, and simple, which I love! though I would have to switch to dark chocolate or something being I have white chocolate! It's a must try for sure. Thanks for sharing! ♥ BJ


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