
March 23, 2011

A Boy and His Bottle: A Love Affair

While the past (almost) year has certainly brought its fair share of parenting challenges, I think we are up against our greatest foe currently.  It all started a few weeks ago when Colton's babysitters suggested that he should be transitioning from his bottle to a sippy cup. 
Obviously, we had attempted to give Colton a sippy cup in the past, but he had never really seemed fond of it, so we hadn't pressed the issue.  Honestly, I didn't really think much of it...more that he just couldn't figure the thing out, or maybe that he didn't like apple juice (what we usually tried in the sippy cup). But upon the babysitter's recommendation, we decided to revisit the sippy cup issue and this time be a little more insistent that baby boy drink from it.  Needless to say, we have been entirely unsuccessful.  Cotlon has tried about 7 or 8 different cups...we have put milk, water, and of course apple juice in each of them.  And each time, the same thing happens.  Colton takes a couple sips out of the cup, promptly throws it to the ground, and refuses it.  At one point, we decided to get real "tough" and only offer him the sippy cup...well, after about 10 minutes of ear-splitting screaming, I finally relented (I felt awful...) and got baby boy his beloved bottle. 
a line up of some of Colton's failed sippy cups
So, after much Internet research, it appears our only option is to have to go "cold turkey" on poor baby boy.  Basically, we will have to take away the bottle...throw them away even, so as not to be tempted...and offer Colton only a cup.  From what I have read, he probably will not drink it for a couple of days.  But oh's not even that easy...not only will he not drink it, he will probably spend those couple of days crying nonstop, refusing to eat much food, and being generally miserable.  Super?!?!
I'm hoping you all have a much better solution for us.  I have asked the pediatrician and she agrees that it is about time for baby boy to be transitioning to his sippy cup, so this is pertinent...I just don't want it to be so painful...

1 comment:

  1. We used the "switch Witch"....We put all my daughter's bottles in a bag and put them outside our door. When she went outside again, there was a little tykes slide in it's place. We told her the Switch Witch took her bottles and switched them with a slide. Every time she would ask about her bottle, we would let her play on her slide (in the family room) and remind her the Switch Witch took the bottles and gave her the slide. It gave her something tangible to see in the place of the bottles. Maybe the switch witch can visit your house!


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