
January 23, 2012

One Final Reveal: Colton's Toddler Room

Despite the fact that Colton has officially been living in his big boy, toddler room since late November, it was just this weekend that I could finally check it off my list as completed...YAY!!!  With the final touches in place, I am excited to show you the final product:

Unfortunately, the layout of the room makes it a little difficult to photograph it adequately, but hopefully those shots give you the idea.  As is usual for our rooms, some of the elements were DIYed.  You can read about the coat rack, bulletin board, and mirror here, the ruler growth chart here, and the tee-pee here.  Everything else was purchased, either originally for Colton's nursery or specially for his big boy room, so if you're wondering about something, don't hesitate to ask!  

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