
January 20, 2012

Bubble Bath

A few weeks ago, Josh and I got to talking about Mr. know, the bubble bath in the pink bottle.  Do you all have fond memories of him too?  I don't remember how we got on the subject, but we were both reminiscing about the glory of those bubble baths.
 For me, they were most often at my grandmother's house along with the French toast and pudding she would always make for us.
Needless to say we were both super-excited when we spotted the infamous bottle in the baby bathing aisle at Target, and immediately added it to our cart.  After dinner that night, we eagerly filled Colton's bath tub with water, then added a few capfuls of the bubbles and waited eagerly for his reaction.  At first, he was scared to death of the bubbles, like wouldn't get in the bath tub.  But after we both started splashing around and putting some on our faces, he warmed up to the idea.  Once he finally managed to sit down in them, he was in heaven...exploring, splashing, eating them (he wasn't a big fan of that actually), etc.  It was so much fun to watch him enjoy something that we both have such fond memories of...

Even though it has taken me awhile to write/publish this post, these pictures and the wonderful bubble bath were actually taken a couple weeks ago, just two day before Levi arrived.  While I didn't really mean for it to serve as such, I think this bath experience will always be extra special to me as a reminder of the times we were able to ridiculously spoil our only-child with love and attention!

1 comment:

  1. These are great pics, Michelle! Colton looks SO happy :)


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