
December 9, 2011

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I've always loved the holiday season, but ever since having Colton, this season has taken on a whole new magical feel.  It is amazing how much fun it is to watch your child experience the simple joys of the holidays...the lights, Santa, hot chocolate, a tree, etc.
For his part, Colton has clearly already developed quite the affinity for the holidays as well.  Despite his limited vocabulary, one phrase he has learned is "ho, ho, ho."  However, "ho, ho, ho" goes with anything Christmas...a tree, some lights, a man with a beard, a festive song, a snowman, shoot...even the mention of the word Christmas!  Let's just say, we've managed to attract quite a bit of attention at Target and other places that are decked out in holiday decor as Colton repeats "ho, ho, ho" with a vengeance throughout our stay.
So, with Colton's holiday spirit riding high, we wanted to take advantage and really kick the holiday season in full gear.  Actually, we just actually had a pretty free weekend and it was time to start crossing some stuff off my holiday fun to-do list, so we did!
On Friday night, Josh was still out of town for business, so Colton joined me and his aunts for a trip to see the Holiday Lights at the Beach.  For this event, the city of Virginia Beach transforms the Boardwalk into a drive-able stretch decorated with nautical and holiday-themed lights displays.  Fun, huh?  Colton certainly thought so!  I love how big his eyes are in all these pictures, and in case you can't tell, he is definitely uttering his infamous "ho, ho, ho" in a few of them!

Josh got back late Friday night, so Saturday morning, we headed to our favorite Christmas tree lot to pick out this year's tree.  Last year, Colton was not feeling the whole experience, but this year was totally different.  He ran from tree to tree, touching each and every one of them.

We had Josh's work holiday party Saturday night, but have no fear, our little man was not left out of the fun. As part of the festivities, the company paid for us to have a hotel room (thanks's his company!) for the night, so we brought Colton with us and paid a babysitter to stay with him in the room during the party.  Colton loved the whole hotel experience, especially the indoor pool that mom was actually willing to take him in since no one else was around to witness the horror that is me in a bathing suit these days (never mind that I later found out some of the rooms, including my parents, looked out on to the pool...SUPER!).
After surviving a very late night in the hotel room (let's just say, Colton didn't necessarily grasp the whole sleep while others were still up thing, so he was up until 11:30ish when I returned from the party!) and witnessing another Steelers victory (woohoo), we spent Sunday evening decorating the tree and drinking some hot chocolate.  Again, Colton was not a very active participant last year, but totally was into the experience this year, requesting more ornaments as soon as he was done with the one in his hand.  And yes, he wears his Steelers jersey every Sunday...we're kind of superstitious like that...
if you look real closely, that's his Hanukkah least, we have some reference to his interfaith working!

It was such an awesome weekend with so much holiday fun!  And since it took me so long to write about it, the good news is that the next one is already here...and we have more holiday festivities planned for this one as well!!!  How about you guys?  Are you in full holiday mode too?

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of him in front of the tree and also with the ornament and Chipper (looks like he's trying to hang it on Chipper haha). This is a great post, Michelle!


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