
November 22, 2011

If At First You Don't Succeed...

A few weeks ago, I decided to go out on a whim and recover the lamp shades in our living room.  In case you missed it, here are all the details and a lovely after shot:
Many of you (and by many, I mean, like the 3 of you who were kind enough to comment) suggested that I take the splurge and paint the lamps white.  So, I did (right in the middle of trying to get Colton's big boy room ready and finalize the details of a long-distance baby shower...sometimes my decorating ADD amazes even myself)!  
But I went a little crazy in the spray paint aisle when I spotted some Rustoleum Metallic pearl paint.  I had half-debated painting the lamps silver and thought this color might be the perfect compromise... just the right amount of sparkle while still getting after the white I was looking for.  So, I taped off the lamp tops, bottoms, and cords.  Then, I gave the lamps a few coats of the metallic spray treatment.  And...
Womp, womp, womp...epic fail!  The picture doesn't necessarily do it justice, but it just wasn't the color I was after.  In fairness to the paint, I don't think it was its fault!  I just think all along I had glossy white in my head, so anything short of it was less than satisfactory.  Luckily, all it took to fix this little disaster was a second trip to the store where I shelled out another $6 or so for another can of Rustoleum Universal...this time in glossy white.  And voila:
Now, that's the "new" lamp I was after!  What do you all think?  You digging the white too?  Please don't tell me I should have just left it green!

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