
September 12, 2011

Ready for Some Football?

Yesterday was the long-anticipated (at least in our house) start of the NFL season.  I was born and raised a die hard Pittsburgh Steelers fan (you can read a little more about the obsession here if you want).  In short, Steelers football is a religion of sorts, and with that, my family has traditions and rituals we have followed for years.
When Colton was born, one of the things I was most excited to pass down to him was my love of Steelers football.  Last year, in his rookie season, the Steelers had an awesome year, even making it to the Super Bowl. Colton and I watched every game with my family (although he did sleep through many of them, especially in the beginning).  But this year, Colton is ready for Steelers football.  He points his identification of the Steelers emblem, he dances with his Steelers doll who sings the "Are You Ready for Some Football?" song, plays with his football all the time, and even with his very limited vocabulary, one word he does actually say is "football" (well, his variation of truthfully sounds more like ball-ball, but it's always said while pointing to a game of football or his football, so we go with it!).
Needless to say, I was very excited to head out with Colton yesterday and watch the Steelers with everyone, especially when his jersey arrived (I mean, seriously, there may not be anything cuter than a toddler in a jersey, at least in my world!).  I was a little worried about how my active toddler would do for 3+ hours, but he LOVED it!  Sure, he had to get up and roam a bit, but for the most part he watched the tv, said football, and ate some french fries...he was a happy camper!
totally fixated on the tv!

hanging out with Aunt Genna outside

I should probably mention that sadly my husband is a Falcons fan...we don't get it either!

Even though the Steelers looked like absolute poo yesterday, I can't wait to continue this tradition (or brainwashing as my husband refers to it) with my little boy.  And I'm even hopeful that one way or another, my second little boy will arrive in time to see some Steelers football this year too!

1 comment:

  1. He looks adorable in his jersey! Sadly, Drew says that Alivia will be required to be a Dolphin Fan :(


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