
August 2, 2011

Boy or Girl? Let the Party Begin...

Last week, I went to the doctor for my monthly checkup.  Everything was perfect but the highlight of the appointment came at the end when we got to schedule the 20 week ultrasound.  For those of you unfamiliar with how these pregnancy things work, the 20 week appointment is the big kahuna (at least in my world)....where they check to make sure baby's anatomy is a-ok and then reveal which gender parts our sweet baby will have.  Yep, it's finally time to find out if this bean is a boy or a girl (well it will be in a couple of weeks).
My appointment is scheduled for 6PM on a Wednesday, so I knew my gender reveal party (read up on it at the link if you are unfamiliar with this absurdity!) wouldn't be able to take place on the same day as the actual ultrasound.  I am impatient on a good day, but when it comes to finding out the sex of this baby, I know the wait will be unbearable.  So when I got home from the appointment, I immediately called the bakery to see how much notice they would need to make the cupcakes.  Thankfully, they said they would be able to get them done with less than 24 hours notice!!!  Now our party is officially on for Thursday, August 18th...yay!!!
I wanted to get the word out quickly (and cheaply) so I could start rounding up the official cupcake count, so I designed this invitation in Photoshop and emailed it out to all of our family members (and a few close friends):
sorry I can't seem to get Photoshop to rotate it
Oh, and the black marks are not actually part of the invite, just conveniently keeping some of our private info private!

Now that the RSVP's are rolling in, it is time to get on with some of the other details of this little shindig.  I had mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to go with a pink and blue decor theme, and I plan to stick with that.  I found this picture on Pinterest and like the idea of using the pink and some blue balloons...easy, yet festive (on a side note, I am beginning to realize our dining room needs a more neutral makeover as its bold colors make party hosting in that room difficult):
IMG_2271[1].JPG (JPEG Image, 276x400 pixels)
Other than that, I don't plan to do too much decorating (Josh has made me promise this will be kept small), although I do like the idea of somehow incorporating some of the pregnancy wives' tales into the decor...we'll see what I come up with!

As for food, we had discussed that the easiest/most cost effective way to feed our 20ish guests some dinner would be cookout style.  And then it hit me...we're going to serve chicken and hot breasts and following me.  I was cracking up when I thought of it, and while it may be slightly inappropriate, I think its more fun, so we're doing it.  I haven't quite nailed down what else we are going to serve, but cookouts are kind of our specialty, so I'm not too worried.

And that's it...the beginnings of our much anticipated gender reveal party.  Already I can hardly wait to bite into that cupcake...2 weeks, 2 weeks, 2 weeks.  What do you all think?  Got any good decor/food ideas for us?


  1. What a cute idea! You could do some "baby" themed foods like baby carrots, baby shrimp, baby quiche, baby back ribs...

  2. LOVE IT! Thanks so much for the suggestion:)


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