
July 28, 2011

Water, Water Everywhere

As I mentioned in this post a few weeks back, Thursdays have turned into field trip day around here.  I am happy to report I have kept up my self-made promise to myself and my little boy and have taken the past three Thursdays (well, this week we made our day Wednesday because I have a doctor's appointment Thursday) to do Colton stuff.
Week 1 was a trip to the Children's Museum of Virginia:

 Week 2 was a trip to the Virginia Aquarium:

And this week was a little backyard water day.  I was a swimmer for 10+ years, so it has been no surprise that my little boy is a water baby too.  He LOVES the pool and the beach, so I thought backyard water day would be right up his alley.  I set up his pool, his splashy pool (this one only fills to about an inch of water but has lots of spray things), and the sprinklers.  Well, my little explorer had about zippo interest in any of this, instead opting to run around everything and flat out rejecting the whole sprinkler thing (I thought he'd love it!).

see that shudder away from the sprinkler

much better
get me outta here...
With water day quickly heading south, I remembered that I had wanted to have a water table for Colton to play with.  With no such table, I decided, instead, to fill one of our coolers with some water and some simple toys Colton could explore: some bowls, spoons, and a funnel.  Colton had a blast exploring and even began to learn how to blow some bubbles into the water (using the funnel as a straw).

And then came the obvious highlight of water day: popsicle time!  My little boy is such a grown up...turns out, he can hold a popsicle all by himself (and sit the whole time he eats it!).  

And now for what might just be the cutest picture ever taken (ok maybe I'm a little biased):
Yup, that's my boo boo exploring the popsicle juice on his adorable belly...melt me!

Oh, and because I always have to go overboard with everything...I had made some paint ice cubes (just a little tempera paint and some water mixed and frozen).  Unfortunately, they weren't ready before Colton's nap, so we took them out afterwards.  I think I made the cubes too big for his little hands (or he really didn't want to pick them up) because he just kind of poked at them
But now, at least, we have his first real piece of art work to display on his clothesline in his playroom:
It's the little things that excite me these days, I tell you.

Anyways, I am so glad we started Colton's field trip days.  As predicted, my little boy has amazed me with all that he has taken in from these experiences.  And for me, it has honestly been a good excuse to get out of the house and do something a little different.  Anybody else have some fun days with your your tots planned?  Ever done a water day?  Is there something I should add for the next time?


  1. He's getting so big!! I love the close-up picture of him holding the popsicle :) Adorable :)

  2. THe Popsicle pictures.... very cute to say the least! We are planning a trip to the local aquarium here in the fall - Julianna will be closer to 18 months and hopefully enjoy seeing all the fish and other sea life! :) LOoks like your little guy certainly did!


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