
July 27, 2011

Curtain Call

Yay!!!  We have made quite a bit of progress in our laundry room/closet this past weekend.  After a little nagging pressure, I convinced Josh to go out and purchase our cabinetry and counter top.  I had also hoped Josh would purchase our extra refrigerator for the space, but his cheapness kicked in and he settled for a hand-me-down fridge from his parents (luckily, he too admits we need a full-size fridge for the space and has agreed to get one eventually...note: that could be eons away).
But all this buying and borrowing wasn't the most exciting news in the laundry room front.  Nope, we now have curtains hung to gloriously hide our junk.  These curtains were a complete DIY project, and the best part is I don't even sew (although I'm beginning to think that may be on my list of things to tackle).  Let me explain.
You may recall that I had been searching for a pink/white/yellow fabric for our curtains.  After countless internet searches came up empty, I was pretty excited to find this right down the street at my Joann's:
True, it was a little more pink than I had wanted and it didn't have any yellow (although I had a plan to remedy that...stay tuned!), but it was certainly the best option I had seen.  So, I promptly scooped up about 4 yards of the stuff for a grand total of $26 (it was 40% off...score!).  
Once home, I cut my fabric into 2 equal length panels and then got to work hemming about 2 inches on each side.  You may be asking how does one hem without having the faintest idea how to sew?  Well, my friends, it's only the greatest invention ever: Stitch Witchery
If you've never used this stuff, go out right now (well, you can finish reading this post first) and buy yourself some.  
Anyhow, with my curtains all hemmed up, it was time to add that yellow pizzazz.  Enter Stitch Witchery again...with a little satin yellow ribbon and some pins.  I pinned the ribbon on top of the Stitch Witchery along the edges (well in about 2-3 inches on all sides...I just eyeballed it):
Once it was pinned snugly in place, I ironed everything in place and now have some curtains that have that little dash of yellow pizzazz I was looking for.  See?
the ribbon trim is along the sides too, but unfortunately,  it's hard to capture the whole panel!

I was very worried going into this project that hanging the curtains (as was necessary to fully conceal our junk) from the ceiling would be impossible, but it turns out Home Depot (and I'm sure other home stores) sells universal rod hangers that can be used from the ceiling...woo hoo!  Once my lovely husband was kind enough to get those in place for me, I just used two Target shower rods (it was cheaper than the super long curtain rods I was going to need and nobody can really see the rods anyway) and some curtain clips to hang my curtains.  
And now before I show you our laundry room now, let's take a little look back at what we were dealing with just a couple of weeks ago:

See all that junk that needed to be hidden?  Well, look at it now:

And now this room is almost done.  With just a bit more accessorizing, it can officially be checked off the to-do list!  So, what do you all think?  Don't the curtains look much better than all that stuff?  Do you hide yours too or do you actually take the time to organize it?


  1. It looks great, Michelle!!! :)

  2. Nice Michelle! Can't wait to see in person and Im going to need details when I get there on these universal rod hangers!!

  3. So many useful tips in this post- I had no idea about the stitch witchery stuff! I think they turned out awesome!


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