
April 6, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Last week, I participated in the What I'm Loving Wednesday Blog Hop over at this kind of love for the first time and really loved it.  So...I'm back and doing it again...yay!

I'm loving that my husband is back from his 3 day jaunt to our nation's capital.  I am such a baby about Josh being away.  I always try to find an upside to things, though, and the positive from these little trips is that it certainly brings home that old adage "absence makes the heart grow fonder."  Recently our hectic lives seem to make it difficult to find time to appreciate eachother, but just a couple of days apart brings into full focus just how much I love my husband and the life we have created together.  He is truly my best friend, so it's nice to have him right next to me...where he belongs:)

I'm loving that Colton appears to have kicked his bottle and is now using a sippy cup (I type this while simoltaneously attempting to cross my finger in hopes that I did not just jinx myself).  A few weeks ago, this looked like it was going to bring about World War III in our house, but today, he just started drinking from it.  We have hid all bottles in hopes that this continues.
I'm loving that one of my coworkers has graciously offered to design some landscaping for our front flower beds.  They are so lame/boring/pathetic right now, and unfortunately landscaping is something I know zero about.  It's so nice when people offer to share their talents, so hopefully soon these won't look like this anymore...
I'm loving that I have a hair appointment this weekend.  About a year ago, I discovered glossing.  It is awesome!!!  You can get a clear glaze or a tint of color, but either way it leaves your hair looking super shiny until it gradually washes out.  I get tons of compliments every it gives me just a little more "me" time as it takes awhile to set...yay for some pampering!

And finally I'm loving that I have gone over the 100 follower mark.  This is honestly so remarkable to me and completely humbling. I am celebrating by offering a little Target give away as my way of saying "thanks for reading."  So, if you haven't entered yet, click here to do so.  And seriously, thanks for reading:)


  1. Colton is ADORABLE! I hope he kicks the bottle for good. Feels so good for them to be done with bottles, right?

    I hope you get to do your hair soon and take pictures :)

    New follower, please stop on by..

  2. I haven't had to deal with being by myself with my wee one but I'm sure I'd be kicking and screaming the whole time. I don't know what I'd do without the 6pm handoff when my husband walks in the door, so kudos to you for getting through it! Oh and yay on the sippy cup front. We're starting to give the boy a sippy but at this point (7 months), it's still just a chew toy.

  3. Thanks for playing along!

    I'm always glad when my hubby comes back from trips too!


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