
April 6, 2011

A Boy Meets Ketchup

***I'm giving away a $20 Target gift card this week, so if you haven't entered yet, make sure you click here to have a chance to win***

Colton loves him some food (he takes after his mom we think).  For the past few months, he has been devouring everything we put in front of him.  But lately, our sweet baby boy has become a little more temperamental with his food.  He seems to expect a lot more variety and flavor.  If he had bananas yesterday, forget about them today.  Where plain waffles used to be just fine, now he needs syrup.  You get the idea.
Well, this past weekend we were out to dinner with my parents.  I had ordered Colton a grilled chicken breast and broccoli.  He seemed to enjoy the first few bites, but then he hit his wall.  Colton was over the chicken.  He started throwing it on the floor and getting pissy.  My mom suggested that maybe Colton would want some ketchup with his chicken.  I guess since I can't stand ketchup I had never thought to give it a try for Colton.  Well, to say he liked it is probably an understatement.  The boy ate every last bit of chicken (and most of the broccoli too...I guess he hoped it might be covered in ketchup as well).  The next night I gave him a little more ketchup and managed to capture some photos this time:

Note the kethcup in the ears:)

I swear, it is the most amazing gift to watch this little person discover his world and become a bonafide person.

1 comment:

  1. He is too cute!! I hate ketchup my self, ut my husband loves it and has to have it. We just introduced it to our son and now he has to have his fries, chicken, or meat dipped in ketchup.


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