
April 21, 2011

Bedroom Dilemma

I am back to once again ask you all's help, and this time, I really have my fingers crossed that someone out there has a good solution to our latest quandry over here.  Well, actually, this little dilemma is as old as Josh and my just conveniently goes away for awhile, but then rears its ugly head again and reminds me just how frustrating it is.  So, what is the problem you ask?


Yep, my lovely husband is a snorer.  Admittedly, his snores are not that loud, but they are CONSTANT.  They sound like horse noises (in fact, that's what I call them) know, that grunting noise a horse makes.  And once they start, I can't do anything but fixate on them.  And then I get frustrated and annoyed and pissed that I'm not sleeping.  So...I nudge Josh, or gently kick him, or grunt myself...anything to get him to stop and hopefully roll to his side.  Because for some reason, if Josh is laying on his side, we usually have peace. 
But my lovely husband is also pretty damn stubborn when he wants to be.  So some nights, he won't roll over, or stay rolled over, or even if he rolls, for some reason the snoring doesn't stop (in all fairness, most of this defiance is done without his conscious effort...he is asleep afterall).  So, then I get really angry, Josh gets angry, and we end up having an exchange like this:
     Me:  JOSH!!!  Seriously! (in a loud, exasperated tone)
     Josh: WHAT?!? (in an equally loud, exasperated tone)
     Me:  You're making the horse noises again!
     Josh:  Well, what do you want me to do...not sleep?
     Me:  Well, what do you want me to do...not sleep?
     ****And then Josh dozes off again***

Super, huh?  So I get up, gather Chipper on my way to the guest bedroom (he gets so excited that he is going to get to sleep with someone it's almost worth it), and take residence in the guest bedroom for the night.  I  know, I's still a bed...but it's not MY bed...the pillows aren't the right firmness, the mattress isn't as comfortable, etc.  And then I sit there stewing about how I am stuck in this stupid bed, and my husband (who is the source of the problem afterall) is dozing comfortably in our bed, and then eventually, I fall asleep.
So, this is where I need your help.  For one, please tell me some of you out there have been or are going through the same thing.  And then, please, please, please tell me you have some magical solution....preferably to stop the snoring, but we'll even settle for some sort of "who gets out of bed" compromise, or something?  Come on blogworld...don't let me down!!!


  1. Umm...I may have to get my husband to comment on this post...because I am the snorer in our relationship. Usually if he can get me to wake all the way up and understand that I'm snoring (which isn't an easy feat), I'll stop. Sorry I'm not more help!

  2. My brother-in-law wears those breathe right things... they seem to help... I usually just have to kick or tell my husband to stop, and he usually does... Maybe you guys could take turns going to the guest bed?

  3. My husband doesn't necessarily snore, but he makes this sort of "popping" sound when he sleeps. It drives me up the wall and around the bend. I will sometimes plug his nose or close his mouth and if that doesn't work, then I wack him and tell him to roll over (away from me). Usually that does the trick. Right now we don't have a guest room and won't until we move our boys in together this summer. I. CAN'T. WAIT!

    Thanks for following - following back now!

  4. Ugh Snoring. It's the worst. Maybe get him some breathrite strips?

    I'm new to your blog! I found you through FTLOB and can't wait to read more! Feel free to check out my blog as well. :)

    Simply Kate

  5. Hi Michelle - My husband does the same thing and I nudge him and knee him all night. He feels bad that he snores but he can't help it. It sucks for me. LOL. I end up taking an over the counter sleeping pill and that allows me to sleep pretty soundly enough where he doesn't wake me up too often. It's musch worse after he has a drink or if he is sick. If you find an answer, let us know LOL ....
    p.s. Thanks for stopping by my blog - Colton is sooo cute! And he is a few weeks older than Julianna :)

  6. Hey Michelle,

    I've been reading over your fun blog and love it. Your story made me laugh. My husband is a snorer/heavy breather too.

    In the past I've usually kicked him, but we just got an automatic adjustable bed and it really seems to help. He sleeps with his head elevated and I haven't heard him much lately. Woo-hoo!

    If all else fails, maybe earplugs or a loud fan. :) Good luck!


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