
April 20, 2011

Beach Day

Late last summer, my parents left my childhood home and moved to a new place.  It was a little sad and certainly strange, but I quickly got over it because this is their new backyard:

Yep, that's the Chesapeake Bay and beautiful beach.  Not too shabby, huh?

While Colton spent plenty of days last summer at the beach, he was only a few months old and barely sitting up (by the very end of the summer), so he was not exactly "enjoying" the beach.  Well, this week is Spring Break (have I mentioned this before?), and Mother Nature seems to be smiling on us here in Va. Beach because it is sunny and 80...woo hoo!  So, yesterday Colton and I headed over to Meme and Papa's house to really take on the beach for his first time. 

Holy cuteness on the beach, right?  Needless to say, he LOVED the beach!  He played with his beach toys, he put his feet in the water (although admittedly that part was not exactly a hit), he ate was awesome!  This warms my heart immensely.  You see, I have very vivid memories of spending my summer days at the beach.  My grandmother lived in a condominium community on the ocean.  She had a poolside cabanna and my great uncle had a beachside cabanna in the same complex.  I loved my summers, and the beach, and everything about it. 

As I watched Colton playing, I realized how lucky I was to have grown up on the beach.  But even more so, I realized how lucky my baby boy is to get to have the same experiences.  I can't wait for summer and spending day in and day out right in that lovely spot. 


  1. -->I live in VB too and think, how lucky am I to live here?

  2. I always say beach memories are some of the best memories for any kid! It's such a fun & purely innocent time! We used to go to Montauk (Long Island) as a kid and it's one of the best memories I have from my childhood. It's awesome that you are creating that for your son!! :) We go to the Outerbanks every year. This summer will be our first with Julianna - I can't wait for her to be on the beach even though she won't remember it now... Stalker-razzi mama will be taking 5000 pictures so that she can look back and re-live it :)


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