
March 5, 2011

Weekend Warrior

The weekend is here (can I get a woo-hoo?!?), and with its lovely arrival comes blissful opportunities.  It always amazes me of how much inspiration can be found out there in blogland.  I am constantly finding genius project ideas that literally have me counting down the minutes until I can find the time to conquer them.  Just tonight, for example, I stumbled upon this lamp shade update from Just a Girl.  I can't seem to get the picture to upload, but it is absoultely goregous, and I can't wait to find a lovely lamp in our house that deserves its upgrade. 
Well, anyways, back to my point...the internet is full of inspiration, and you all never cease to amaze me.  That's where the Weekend Warrior fun begins.  Here is where you can upload your fun DIY projects (anything and everything is perfect!).  Others can stop by and enjoy and hopefully get inspired to try some new things.  So join in the fun (please)!  There's just a few simple rules:

1.  Must be a Virginia Beach Housewife follower.  Just click over there------->
2.  Link directly to your DIY post (recipe, craft, home project, etc), not to your blog in general.
3.  If you stop by a link, comment and let them know you are visiting from Weekend Warrior.  Everyone wants to feel the love, right?
So, that's it.  Ready to join in?  Just click below:

1 comment:

  1. BTW, I am your newest follower from the Weekend Wander. I'd love a follow back at Dropped Stitches. Thanks!!


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