
March 4, 2011


WOO-HOO!  Friday is here!  I love Fridays (who doesn't, honestly?) because they always hold so much promise...the relaxation, the things I will get done, the fun stuff to look forward to....aahh.  Well, this Friday is no exception.  Actually, it is...this is the first weekend in months that we don't already have set plans heading into it, which means there is even more time to savor all the things I really want to do.   Here's a few things I'm looking forward to this weekend:
1.  Conquering a little project (hopefully...let's just say I already attempted this once last weekend with no success, but don't worry, I have a plan B...keep your fingers crossed).  Here's a little preview:
2.  Finding a cute/sexy/classy dress to wear in New Orleans for our nice dinner out night/my 30th birthday dinner.  Josh and I leave for New Orleans on Thursday, and that night, we have our fancy dinner planned.  I heard my sweet husband requesting a special table for the evening because it was his wife's 30th birthday.  Well, technically my birthday isn't until the next weekend, but I will never shy away from celebrating for weeks.  Maybe something like this?
although we have no Anthropologie here (boo!), and the $300 price tag is probably a bit high

3.  Watching this little guy walk...hopefully.  Colton is this close to taking his first steps.  While most veteran moms have told me to enjoy these last few days of immobility, I can't wait to see baby boy take those all-important first steps.  Plus, he absolutely HAS to take them before we leave town for a few days...we can't risk missing these!  Here he is practicing:
On top of these, there's also the typical weekend fun: sleeping in one day (Josh and I each take a weekend morning to tend to baby boy and one to relax), catching up on my DVR, a few glasses of wine, dinner out with my husband (and baby boy), and generally taking it easy.  So what about you guys?  What are your weekend plans?

1 comment:

  1. New to your blog! Happy Birthday by the way. From your mention of New Orleans, I'm guessing you live in LA...we're in Mobile,AL, not too far!

    Your son is adorable!

    Have a great weekend!




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