
January 6, 2011

I Heart Paint

One of the big projects I wanted to tackle over my break was the beginnings of our new guest room.  To say we have a limited budget for this room is probably an understatement.  It's not we don't have some money to burn, but even I can agree with my cheapy mccheaperson budget-minded husband that pumping tons of money into a room that will see 1-2 guests per year makes little sense.  In fact, most of the furniture in there (well, the bed and dresser) are loaner furniture pieces...we are borrowing them from other family members who currently don't have room for them, but one day intend to take them back.  Sadly this means that I can't paint the actual furniture pieces, but have no fear...there is plenty that I can (and did) paint!
Let's start with the walls.  I stewed and stewed about the wall color in here.  I usually do when planning a room, but the two red brick walls (that we happen to think add a lot of character to our room and thus had no plans to paint) really had me thrown.  I knew I was leaning towards white/black bedding, so for awhile I thought maybe I would just paint the walls white.  But frankly, I'm just not the white walls kind of gal.  So...after much (inner) debate I was leaning towards a dark teal, peacock blue color (with yellow accents), but was a little fearful that my inner vision wouldn't necessarily convey in real life.  After googling all kinds of blue-yellow-black-white, peacock-yellow-white-black, etc. image combos, I still was not confident in my path.  Until... Young House Love saved my day once again.  Right in the midst of my indecision, they featured this mood board for their new bedroom.  The paint color was exactly what I had in mind...perfection...Benjamin Moore's Rendezvous Bay.  I headed out to Home Depot the next day to pick up a gallon of Behr color matched to the Benjamin Moore shade (what can I say...champagne taste on a beer budget). 
I  know you're on the edge of your seat by now?!?  So, remember the before:

And now the after:

I HEART PAINT.  I mean, seriously, $30, about 2 1/2 hours of work (minimal effort work at that) and a total transformation.  Obviously, bedding, bright and happy accessories, a new desk chair, etc. are all still needed, but I love the new color.  What  about you all?  Any other paint love affairs out there?

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I love paint! It might have something to do with the fact that my parents wouldn't let me paint my bedroom when I was a kid so I was stuck with the wallpaper I picked out when I was 4. Not cool. My husband just shakes his head and goes with the flow when I say I want to paint! It takes me FOREVER to pick out a color. I came over from FTLOB:)


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