
January 5, 2011

And This Is Why We Keep Him Around...

Chipper, our crazy cockapoo, has been on a real rebellious streak recently.  Truthfully, he has never been the best behaved dog.  But over the last few months, he has really decided to test our patience limits.  Between surfing our counters, chowing his way through multiple pairs of Reefs, and generally making mischief 24 hours a day, Chipper has gotten really rotten.  Don't get me wrong...I still love this dog more than life itself, but some moments I honestly worry that there may come a day when Chipper's antics get the better of us.  After chasing him carrying a stick of butter in his mouth (true story), or smiling at me with my cell phone in his mouth (yes, I swear he smiles while he does it), or taking a bulb of garlic from the kitchen cutting board and triumphantly prancing with it (again true can't make this kind of stuff up), I sometimes fear that Chipper will one day have a date with the pound (one of the fellow moms at Colton's babysitter told me that their similarly tempered dog met with that fate a few years ago after several years of "trying everything").  But then there's this Chipper:
The Chipper that absolutely makes my heart melt.  My sweet, 30 pound, snuggly, lap dog (when he wants to).  How can you resist that face?  I'm hoping I never can

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