
November 14, 2013

Moving on Up...

Josh said he wasn't ready.  My mom said he wasn't ready.  But my sister recently moved, and when she did, she offered to hand her guest room furniture down to us (she owned a 2-bedroom condo,and is now renting one bedroom with some friends, so she didn't need the spare room stuff anymore).  And I thought Levi, most certainly, was ready to make the move to his big boy room.
For one thing, he is older (by a couple months) than Colton was when he made the same switch.  Secondly, he loves his big brother's bed.  We read books in there before nap time each day, and each day he tucks himself in and I have to pry him out to go sleep in his crib!  Plus, I really just didn't want to have to move the furniture twice.  And mostly, I figured, Levi would "get" his bed because he's watched Colton sleep in it for so long.  Levi wants to do whatever Colton does in every way, and I figured this would be no exception.
So after weeks of debate and realizing there was really no compromise on this one, Josh relented and I won (with the caveat that I would have to wake up with him overnight if he had problems).
To make a long story short, I was right!  Told you so Mom and Josh.  Levi was absolutely in love with his big boy bed from the moment we set it up.

As for the room itself, it's still a work in progress.  I had spotted his doggy bedding from Land of Nod months ago, and knew my doggy-loving boy had to have it!  Because we had so many yellow accents already on hand from his nursery, I figured it made sense to keep with the yellow so we could use them.  
So I bought some yellow sheets and pretty much had everything else already on hand.

My sister did also hand us down some black curtains.  When I spotted some paw print ribbon the other day, I couldn't resist buying it to add a bit of trim to the curtains.  I'm not usually big on theme in a room, but I think it's pretty subtle!

We also set up a make-shift reading corner with some floor pillows I have had for a couple years (I think I originally bought them for the playroom, but never used them).  Levi seems to love it, but I have plans to make some changes over there.

Speaking of changes, here's the to-do list of what we need to accomplish in the space:
  • new rug
  • switch out lamp shades
  • reading bench
  • rain gutter shelves and/or gallery wall
  • something for the space next to his bed?
So even though the space is far from "done," Levi certainly doesn't seem to mind.  And I must admit, as happy as I am that he is moving on up in the world, it is a little bittersweet.  This is the first time since we have lived in this house (almost four years) that we don't have a nursery.  No more cribs = no more babies.  As excited as I am to watch these boys grow up and experience new chapters with them, it is still hard to come to terms with the fact that my babies are no longer babies.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks great! Both boys are going to have an adjustment when they go off to college and are downsized to twin beds haha


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