
November 13, 2013

A Few Random Thoughts

Sometimes I have things to share with you guys that really don't necessitate an entire post.  And sometimes I have enough of those little blurbs to share that I can combine them and give you one big, random, all over the place post.  Today is one of those days.  Buckle up!
1.  Colton was getting dressed the other day and putting on some jeans...Levi's to be exact!  He wears these about once a week, but on this particular day, I guess he noticed the "Levi's" on it because he absolutely insisted that these were not his jeans, but were instead his brothers...for obvious reasons, I think!  I did finally talk him into wearing them (he pretty much had to because they were the last clean pair!) in case you are concerned.  But I guess that's an inevitable consequence when you name your child Levi!
2.  The other day, I was flipping through my radio stations and stumbled across Christmas music.  I know I'm supposed to be annoyed by this, but honestly I kind of liked it (especially because temperatures that day had suddenly dipped as well, so it just seemed appropriate!).  I still had the music on when I got to Colton's school to pick him up, and now he is obsessed with it!  He asks to have it on every time we are in the car.  I'm telling you this child certainly takes after me in holiday loving!
3.  My DVR is crazy full these days!  With the return of Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills, Shahs of Sunset, and Vanderpump Rules, I am jam-packed!  Plus, I probably shouldn't admit it, but I still DVR Teen Mom and Awkward off of MTV.  Needless to say, I can hardly keep up, but I like it!  Anyone else?!?
4.  I'm very proud of myself.  I've always hated running...HATED it!  But I do it because it feels like the best exercise.  For years, I compromised with myself by running for eight minutes and walking for 10 (and then repeating that for 30  minutes total).  Well, about a month ago, I had some friends who were running a 5K and wanted me to join.  I didn't, but it did get me to thinking that if they can all run 3.1 miles straight, then I should be able to.  So I did!  For the last month or so, I have been running walking, no breaks...for 3.1 miles.  I get that 3.1 miles isn't very far to some, but for me, it's impressive! And  I'm even thinking about trying to increase it by a tenth of a mile or so every few weeks to see if I can eventually get to 6 miles!  C.R.A.Z.Y!
5.  And finally, I need your advice on an awkward Facebook situation.  A few weeks back, one of my boys somehow friend requested my ex-boyfriend's mother.  Honestly, I'm not positive they did it, but it pretty much has to be one of them because I know I didn't do it...and I didn't even know about it until I got the "your friend request has been accepted" message.  I was debating whether to delete the friendship, send her a little explanation message, or just ignore it when she commented on a picture of the boys (about how cute they were or something)...and then another.  So now, I'm thinking I just ignore it!  But I still feel a little embarrassed that she (or her son) might read more into my request...or is that just lame to even think about?!?

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