
January 7, 2012

A Proper Introduction

Whew!!!  I am beyond thrilled to announce that we have survived a not-so-fantastic hospital stay and are home  with our beautiful new addition, Levi Shane.   For those of you who missed the official announcement, Levi was born on Wednesday, January 4th at 8:14 AM.  He was born via a scheduled C-Section (Colton was breached so I had to have one with him, and while we could have and maybe would have given the natural route a try this time, I had gotten pretty impatient by the time January 4th rolled around and was quite pleased to have an end date in place!).  Luckily, the c-Section was very unremarkable (and much less scary than I had remembered), and our little boy arrived weighing 7 pounds, 3.5 ounces and measuring 19.5 inches long.
We spent a very long 2 days in the hospital and have now been home for a couple of days trying to adjust to life.  Honestly, it has been pretty stressful...keeping up with the needs of a newborn and toddler (not to mention needy cockapoo) has proven to be as exhausting as I pretty much figured it would be.  But at the same time, we certainly recognize how lucky we are to have this healthy and happy (most of the time!) baby boy as a member of our family.
And with that, I introduce (through photos at least) to Levi Shane.  These were taken during our hospital stay, so in other words, the first two days of his life...


  1. congrats, he is beautiful! our lil boy babes are only 4 days apart :)

  2. Congrats. He's so handsome. He already looks like such a big boy in his car seat! :)


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