
January 9, 2012

Going to the Dogs

As we transition away from the holidays, I start looking towards the next big occasion to plan.  In our world, that event would be Colton's 2nd birthday party!!!  His birthday isn't until late March, but I like to get an early start on all the idea gathering and planning.  Plus, the final weeks of my pregnancy brought on some sleep-deprived nights where I had to fill my time doing something!
With invitations typically needing to go out about a month before the party, I usually start my party planning by trying to nail down that element.  In the past year or so, I have become a big fan of designing my own invites (using Photoshop usually).  For one, the DIY option gives me the chance to get exactly what I want.  Plus, it is much more affordable!
For Colton's 2nd birthday, we will be having a dog/puppy theme party.  I have had the idea pretty much since his first birthday!  Colton has been obsessed with dogs ever since I can remember him having a personality.  Obviously, it started with his own four-legged friend, Chipper, who he harasses constantly, but it quickly moved on to any and all dogs.  In fact, his first (and only for quite awhile) word was dog.  So, dogs seemed to be a natural, perfect theme for my boy (plus, it's not too over done which makes it fun for mom too!).
On some of those sleepless nights I mentioned above, I played around in Photoshop and have come up with a few different options for Colton's invite.  These are very rough drafts with none of the details added yet or anything, and obviously, they are all pretty similar, but I would love you all's opinion on which you like best.

Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
with a better, more professional looking photo of the two boys!

Please, please, please give me your opinions...I would love to hear them (even if it's that you don't like any...OK, maybe I wouldn't like to hear that...suggestions for improvements instead maybe?).


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