
January 4, 2012


Ever since the day I found out I was pregnant with Levi, I fully intended to have him before the end of the year.  I knew I would need to have a C-Section (since I had one with Colton) and was confident my doctor would roll with the plan and schedule it for the very end of December.  I didn't account for his limited work schedule around the holidays, though, and so Levi's C-Section was scheduled for January 4th (yep, today if you're keeping track...which means hopefully soon I will have some very cute baby pics to share with you!).
In the final days of my pregnancy, I tried everything in my power to naturally induce labor (nothing crazy...just the usuals...walking, cleaning the floors, spicy foods, etc.), but with each passing day, it was increasingly obvious that baby Levi was very snug in his current home and would not be joining us until he was forced to!  I tried very hard to stay positive and look at the silver lining in the whole thing.  One day it hit me that I should really be cherishing these days because they were, after all, the last ones I would ever have to spoil my sweet first-born exclusively.
Seriously, ya'all, the thought made me so sad.  I know having a sibling will only "enrich his life" (my mom has used those words about a 1000 times in this situation) and as excited as I/we all are to have his brother join our brood, I just got a little weepy that my poor little Colton would be deprived of any of the love and attention he has grown so much to shine in!
Last Friday, then, was the last day I would get to have quality mommy-Colton time alone (at least in theory).  Josh was off for the weekend plus Monday, Tuesday Colton returned to school, and obviously today, Wednesday, Levi joins us.  So, I was determined to make Friday a special day just for my very special boy.
He woke up bright and early (like a little too bright and early), so we began the day by cuddling in my bed and watching some tv/playing on the iPad.

 Afterwards, I took him and Chipper for a walk (yep, still trying to jump start something...)seriously, I don't know who gets more excited when they hear that magical word "walk!"
And then, I took Colton to the Bounce House for a couple of hours.  The Bounce House is one of those indoor inflatable places.  We had been before and he was pretty hesitant to actually do any of the bouncing (luckily they have toy cars, slides, houses, and stuff too), and this time he started off the same way.  I finally convinced him pushed him into one, and when his daddy peeked in on us while he was out getting lunch (he works like 2 minutes from the place), Colton had to show off for him and start actually playing in the thing...hallelujah!
***sorry for the crappy iPhone was all I could keep up with after trying to chase him down too!

We also managed to squeeze in some Chik-Fil-A for lunch and a basketball game at night.  But the real highlight of the day was that I really did take the time to appreciate just how wonderful my little boy is.  He is spunky, and sweet, and easy-going, (and pretty darn handsome if I don't say so myself) and so many other things.  I am so in love with the little boy he has grown into, and I am sure he will not only continue to delight us, but that his brother will bring us the same joys...


  1. Good luck today, Michelle! Sending you lots of warm and happy thoughts! :)

  2. Thats a really great idea! Good luck today!


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