
January 3, 2012

Birthday Eve

Dear Levi,
Well, tomorrow is the day...the day we have anticipated for the last 9 months or so (and especially  for the last week or so...I guess you wanted to be a 2012 baby after all!), ever since that fateful morning when I showed your Daddy the very faint positive sign on a pregnancy test (he didn't believe me at first, but got on board a few days later when I showed him another, darker will soon learn that is pretty typical for your dad).
I am so excited to meet you and discover all the lovely nuances of your personality.   I don't know what this life has in store for you, but I can make you one promise: you will be loved.  Heck, you are already very loved.
Your mom, that's me,  will do absolutely anything she can to make you happy. Your dad works very hard to provide us with a life that I didn't necessarily believe was possible.  He's a little scared of this newborn stuff, but give him some you grow older, he can not wait to play with you (maybe a little rough sometimes), and take you to sports games, and get to know you.  Your human and one dog...don't quite realize what they're about to get in to, but I am confident that the three of you will grow up the best of are lucky to have each other.  Chipper is the doggy one (you have probably heard his name in combination with the word "NO!" several times already).  He will spend his days taking your toys and begging you to chase him.  If you're anything like your older brother, you will LOVE this game.  Colton is your human brother, and quite honestly has left some pretty big shoes for you to fill.  He is a pretty awesome kid, and I am very sure you will one day be very thankful that he is your big brother.  
And then there are your grandparents and aunts and uncles and even great grandparents and friends who have been just as excited to meet you as we have.  Yep, if there is one thing I can guarantee you in this life, it is that you are and will be very loved.
With that being said, I hope that we can give you everything you deserve.  I hope we can guide you to discover whatever it is that makes you happy (except skinny jeans...please, no skinny jeans EVER!) and to make this life of yours whatever you dream for it to be.  I already told you I promise you will be very loved, and with that, I can assure you that we will be here for you no matter what life throws your way.
You are a special boy, one that has already given us so much happiness, and who will only continue to enrich our lives every day from this one forward.  We love you and can't wait to meet you...see you tomorrow...


  1. Good luck MIchelle!!! I can't wait to see pictures :)

  2. Such a cute post! Cant wait to see pictures! :)

  3. Good luck and since I haven't said it yet, congratulations!

  4. Best wishes for tomorrow! And I'm sure by the time he's a teenager, super-saggy pants will be back in style.


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