
November 24, 2011

A Month of Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  Last year, I compiled my own ABC's of Thanks (you can read it here if you're interested).  But this year, I wanted to do something different, mainly because my ABC's may end up being a little redundant!  So, way back at the beginning of November, I got to thinking and decided that each day I would jot down one thing I was thankful for, much like I had seen some of my Facebook friends doing.  Looking back on mine they may seem completely random, but they are very much reflective of that particular day in November (in most cases).
I hope you all have as many things to be thankful for as I do.  And I sincerely hope you have a very happy Thanksgiving:)

1. I am thankful for the incredible opportunities that come our way, or more appropriately that my husband earns.  I am thankful for the hard work and many hours he puts in to provide us with this life.
2.  I am thankful for a healthy, easy pregnancy (knock on wood...I know it's not quite over with yet!).
3.  I am thankful for pumpkin pie Pop-Tarts and pumpkin spice lattes...aaahhh, the joys of the season.
4.  I am thankful for my, dad, brother and his wife, sister.  I am so lucky to have family members who are truly some of my best friends...people that I have a blast with and can count on through thick and thin.
5.  I am thankful for nights out with my hubby.  It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it is nice to get out and be an adult again whether it's for a nice dinner out or a night out with friends.  (I am also thankful to my wonderful parents who are the usual babysitters on these rare nights!)
6.  I am thankful for my sister (today is her birthday!).  Genna is the kind of sister a girl is lucky to have...she helps us out, loves our boys like they are her own, but is also my shopping companion and hopefully wine night buddy (once I get to that point again).  We talk daily, and I am so glad she is back in the area where we get to see her often.
7. I am thankful for my buddy/first child, Chipper.  While he sometimes can pluck my nerves to no end, he is really the sweetest, most loyal pup there is.  Plus, he is the best cuddle companion on those nights that I can't sleep...he always welcomes me to the couch with a shower of licks and curls up right beside my belly!
8.  I am thankful that my little boy has the fantastic opportunity to go to school twice a week.  While I don't think the experience is going to make him a boy genius or anything, I do think the socialization has been fantastic for him.  And...I am equally thankful (or maybe even more so) that it gives me a couple mornings a week of "me time," something I was really struggling to find before he started school.
9.  I am thankful for beautiful weather, and our yard and a spunky tot and pup to share all of it with.  I love that on these sunshiney, not too hot, not too cold days, I can take the boys out back and watch them both run and play for hours.
10.  I am thankful for old friends.  I am fortunate to still maintain pretty close friendships with a few girls that I have known since high school (and some even earlier).  While some do not live in the area, we stay in touch and see each other each time they do arrive.  It is nice to have people in my life that have known me so long and have been with me through so much.
11. I am thankful for my Florida family, especially my cousin and aunt. Although we only see them a couple of times a year, when we do the days and nights are filled with conversation, constant laughs, and sometimes a little debauchery (mainly from my aunt and mom who collectively do not handle their wine gracefully). Each time is a blast, though, and I am so glad that life events (and now babies due 10 days apart) have brought us closer over the years.
 12. I am thankful for the boys in my life. I am away from them this weekend, and as I fell asleep last night, I teared up bit just picturing all of them at home...Colton in his t-shirt and sweatpants snuggling his lovey family in his crib, Josh curled up on his side of the bed, and Chipper curled up right alongside him, taking over my usual spot. I have said it before, but how lucky am I to come home to so much?
13. I am thankful that I have discovered a hobby/talent/passion in party planning, home decor, and the like. Not to play the pity card but my whole life I have been pretty good to mediocre to downright awful at most things (school, swimming, dancing/singing, etc) and always hoped to find something I more excelled at. Teaching filled that for a bit, but I'm really glad to have these new outlets to tap into.
14.  I am thankful that I have gotten to experience my husband being a daddy.  I fell in love with my husband for his sense of humor, because I knew I could always trust and count on him, the way he loved me, and many more reasons.  At the time, we were both unsure of if we wanted children one day, but I am so glad we decided to embark on the journey.  I could have never anticipated how heart-warming it would be to watch my husband read to our son, or get on the floor to tickle him, or have Colton go run for the door when he hears his daddy's car pull in the driveway.  I have grown to love my husband for a whole host of other reasons since the day we brought Colton home.
15.  I am thankful for my son's laughter.  Honestly, I could have probably made a whole list of things I am thankful for that relate to Colton, but his laughter is certainly one of the biggest.  Colton has a fantastic laugh that is absolutely contagious.  Because of him, his antics, and his happy disposition (usually), I have spent more time laughing over the past year or so than I think I have the rest of my life combined!
16.  I am thankful for parks.  Colton and I both like to get out and about, and unfortunately that leads to a lot of spending!  But parks are not only free, but my son LOVES them.  Seriously, he can climb and slide and swing with the best of them, and in my humble opinion, much better than his 19 month age would normally allow.  On a sidenote, though, I am not thankful for the temper tantrums he now throws when we leave the park...seriously, kid, we've been there 45 minutes and mom is very fat/slow these days?!?
17.  I am thankful for nap time.  Usually, I use Colton's 2 hour (sometimes more, sometimes less) nap time to get stuff done.  But every once in a while, like today, I use it to veg out myself.  That is certainly a luxury I did not have when I was teaching last year!
18.  I am thankful for Bravo.  I don't necessarily watch a lot of tv, but when I do, I like for it to be light and relatively mindless.  Bravo always comes through for me, especially those Real Housewives.  So, thank you for some much-needed down time, Bravo!
19.  I am thankful for weekends.  Some would think that as a stay-at-home mom, my weekends' significance would have diminished, but nope!  I love those two days when Josh is home with us and we can spend time as a football games, the park, or just relaxing around the house.
20. I am thankful for my parents.  Again, I could probably make a separate list of reasons I am thankful for them...there are just so many.  They do so much for all of us...helping out with Colton, supporting our every move, financial contributions, etc.  My parents are so good to us, but above that, they are that perfect mix of parents and friends.  I took our relationship for granted as I was growing up, but as I have gotten older, I have realized that not everyone is so fortunate to have parents that are so supportive, loving, and fun.  I am a lucky girl...and my husband, and sons are pretty lucky too!
21.  I am thankful for an easy-going child.  Colton has always been a very easy child. I would like to think some of it has to do with our fantastic parenting skills, but the truth is, I think it just a very pleasant disposition we were blessed with.  Regardless, he rolls with the punches with unbelievable ease for a toddler (or even adult for that matter).
22.  I am thankful for lunches out with friends.  As a teacher, one luxury I rarely was afforded was a lunch out with adults.  In fact, I used to have less than 20 minutes to scarf down some brought-from-home dish while listening to the noise of an elementary school cafeteria in the background...not exactly relaxing or luxurious.  Now that I am home, I usually eat lunch at home with Colton, but every once in awhile (and a few times this week with so many people in town visiting for the holiday), I have been able to meet friends for lunch...the ultimate in girly bonding/luxury time to me!
23.  I am thankful to have a home that is so perfect for hosting our friends and family members for gatherings.  This fulfills a dream of mine, and it is so nice to have achieved it!
24.  Finally, on this Thanksgiving day, I am thankful that this list was so easy to compile, and that honestly, I have many more things I am thankful for.  I am a lucky girl.

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