
November 3, 2011

I've Found My Calling

Last week, Josh and I snuck away for a few days to lovely Orlando, Florida.  He had a conference down there, and I just went to tag along.  Aside from a little anxiety/remorse about leaving our boys, and especially Colton, behind in Va. Beach, it was really nice to get away for a few days and shake up our routine a bit.
Josh was in meetings for the vast majority of the time that we were there which meant that I spent my time with the other wives travelling with his company.  My mom happens to be one of those wives (it is my dad's company after all), so it was a nice bonus that I got to spend some quality time with her.  I've said it before when travelling with Josh for work, but it was certainly reiterated on this getaway: I am EXCELLENT at being the wife of a business traveler, the wife-in-waiting if you will.  Just look at my activities over the days that I was there and tell me I was not the perfect travel companion (oh and sorry in advance for the craptastic iPhone was all I had!):

Wednesday PM: arrive in Orlando, dinner at Tommy Bahama's (really good by the way!) with Josh, mom, dad, and the other employees/wives from company, joined everyone for drinks (woo hoo Diet Coke!) at hotel bar

Thursday: Josh goes off to meetings from 8AM-5PM...I hit the gym, met mom for coffee/breakfast, joined mom and other ladies here (view from our room):
where I even indulged in one of these:
Virgin, of course, but don't you just have to sip on a daiquiri when lying poolside with a waitress attending to you? 

Thursday PM: showered and ready by the time Josh arrived "home," accompanied him to vendor showcase cocktail hour, joined everyone for dinner at Cuba Libre (eh, not so much for a simple restaurant review), back to hotel bar with everyone
   ***On a sidenote, are we also noting how much more fun this trip would have been if I could have actually had a drink?!?***

Friday: overcast/dreary day in Orlando...Josh goes off to meetings, I hit the gym, meet mom for breakfast/coffee (do I have to mention it was decaf?), read in the room for a bit, join the ladies for a little walk/shopping/lunch, back to the room to read and get ready

Friday PM: formal awards banquet/dinner.  By the way, I had debated renting a maternity dress for this function, but I should have known Target would come through for me...Liz Lange Maternity, specifically.  I scored my black dress for only $, I reasoned I could wear it to the Christmas party in about a month as well...yay for good finds!

Saturday: no meetings for Josh, we pack up, go down to watch the ducks...probably should explain!
We were staying at The Peabody Hotel where their trademark is their ducks.  Every day at 11AM, you can watch the ducks come off the elevator from their "home," and march along a red carpet to a fountain in the lobby where they play for the day.  At 5PM, they march back along the same red carpet.  This was hilarious to me...a huge crowd was gathered in the lobby to watch this spectacle (obviously we were right there with them).  It lasted about 2.5 seconds because the ducks don't "march" as advertised...they sprint!

Oh well, after watching, we got some breakfast, did a little shopping for a Colton souvenir and took off for the airport!

Seriously, was I not the perfect wife...occupy myself during the day, be totally available and ready for the functions/activities at night...I mean, come on!

But wait...wanna hear the highlight of our whole trip?  When we got home, there was a toddler with the biggest smile on his face that I have ever seen waiting at our door for us.  My sister had stayed with him at our house for the last night of our trip.  She said that a couple minutes before we arrived, Colton started saying "mama" and ran to the door just in time to see our car pull up.  After hugs and kisses, he was anxious to get down and show off for us...running, yelling, throwing, and spinning throughout the living room...all the while, coming back to each of us every few seconds to sneak in a hug or kiss.  Chipper, too, was equally excited, ready to show off, and bathe each of us in kisses.  
It made me realize how lucky I am to lead a life that I need no vacation from, a life in which I'm just excited to be at home with my wonderful family as a I am to be lounging poolside with a drink in my hand!

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