
October 10, 2011


Tomorrow, I will be embarking on a mega trip of sorts.  True, the distance is only about 2.5 hours away, but this will be my first official visit to the mega blue/yellow box known fondly as IKEA!  For the past few years, my sister was kind enough to fetch me my IKEA necessities on her way home for weekends, but since she has relocated to the beach herself, I guess it is time I put my big girl pants on and make the voyage myself (well, with one of my friends truthfully, but still).
I am honestly a little nervous about this...many people have told me the place is completely overwhelming and confusing.  As usual, though, I have already mapped out certain must-purchases to keep me focused hopefully.
The main purpose of my trip is to come home with 2 of these, one in the dark wood shown for Colton's big boy room and one in white for the baby's room:
I also need to pick up one of these (can you tell I'm a fan of IKEA's Expedit series?) to use as a bench in our "mudroom"....turned on its side of course!
Aside from that, I have scoped out the website and am hoping to come home with a ton of these $2 frames (I have high hopes for a new gallery wall in our living room and needed some cheapo frames to get it going, so fingers crossed):
And I may choose to take some of this fabric home with me as well to possibly use to make some curtains for our living room windows, but I'm going to have to see it in person first:
But I am really hoping that once we arrive at the Sweedish fantasy-land, I will score some of the major finds that I have heard others talk/blog about for years.  Fingers crossed, huh?

Anybody out there have some words of advice for me?  Any conquer-IKEA strategies I should know about?

1 comment:

  1. Oh IKEA... such a wonderful, and addictive place! My best advice is to stay focused on one thing at a time. Know what you're going in for (living room, or bedroom, or whatever) and stay focused on that. If you try to just browse it will get to be overwhelming. I've been three times in the last few weeks and staying focused is the only way I have survived!

    Have fun!


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