
October 11, 2011

C is for Cookie

After much debate, I think I may finally have settled upon Colton's Halloween 2011 costume.  You non-parents or less obsessive parents out there may think this was an easy decision, but let me assure you much time, thought, and research went into this.
For one, I figure we only have a couple years at best left that we still get to fully control Colton's costume (ya know before the days he is insistent he be some freaking Power Ranger or something), so I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity and do something that isn't totally generic.  But at the same time, I wanted his costume to somehow reflect his budding personality.  At one point, I considered a shark (because he loves the beach), a dog (well, because he has a slight obsession with dogs), and a football player (you getting the theme here, because he loves football).  I also wanted his costume to be cute.  I had played with making him a Jersey Shore guido with Italia jacket, blowout and all, which would have been totally funny (I think anyway), but I wanted my little boy to not just be my own personal source of amusement, sooooo.....
I stumbled upon a Cookie Monster costume.

I know what you're thinking...totally generic, right?  But I have a plan.  For one thing, I think I can create my own with a blue hooded sweatshirt, sweatpants, and some fuzzy fabric.  I also plan to add some felt chocolate chip cookies to the get-up for some added pizzazz.
Oh, and in case you're wondering, Colton does not generally sit still long enough to watch any tv, so he is not necessarily a huge fan of the character Cookie Monster, although he does like him in a couple books that we read.  But, Colton, himself, is a cookie monster...he loves them.  He stands at the cookie jar and points throughout the day.  He was even keen enough to notice when the jar had been refilled after being empty for a couple of days.  And if someone says cookie, he will come running from another room to get one (proving that his receptive vocabulary is clearly much more advanced than his spoken one!).
So, what do you all think?  We on board with the Cookie Monster costume (because clearly this needs to be a group decision)?  Any advice on DIYing a costume for me?


  1. I could've written this post! I have the same exact feeling about my kid's costumes. I came up with the same ideas....and the reasons behind them. haha! original, huh?! I still don't know what I'm going to do!


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