
June 17, 2011

Your Most Burning Questions

Whenever you tell someone you're pregnant, the onslaught of questions begins.  Luckily, I'm pretty much an open book and will tell just about anyone just about anything.  I know ever since I let the cat out of the bag last week, you have been dying to ask certain questions (I hope the sarcasm properly conveys in blog format).  In an effort to put it all out there for all of you, I figured I would go ahead and answer some of the most commonly asked pregnancy questions.
How are you feeling?
Awww, well thanks for asking.  For the first few weeks, I was just really tired.  I was actually a little worried because I was feeling so little.  Truthfully, all I ever felt with Colton was super-sore boobs, but I didn't even have that this time.  In a classic case of be careful what you wish for, though, I have been super nauseous for the last few days.  I'm hoping this phase is very temporary; it sucks!
Man, you're babies are going to be really close in age!  Were you guys trying?
In a word, NO!  I had started experiencing crazy anxiety around the first of the year.  I really thought (and still do) that my birth control pills were contributing to my craziness, so I stopped taking them.  I figured I knew my cycle, so we would be fine.  A few months later...well, you know.
How close are the babies going to be?  How do you feel about that?
They will be 21 months apart (or so).  I actually love it.  It's the exact difference there is between myself and my younger brother (and then my sister was about 23 months behind him).  It was really nice growing up with siblings close in age, and has been even nicer now that we are older and can and do hang out frequently.  Plus, I like that we won't be out of habit.  I feel like having a second child might have been like going back to get my  know it's a good idea, but just keep putting it off because it's never convenient.  Let's face it...once you're out of changing diapers, who wants to go back to that?  At least this way, we'll just keep it up and when we're done...we're DONE!
Are you going to find out what you're having?
Yep, ASAP...I would find out tomorrow if I could, but alas we'll have to wait until 20ish weeks.  I'm way too much of a planner not to know.
Do you want a girl this time?
Again, yep.  I wanted a girl last time...what girl doesn't, right?  But especially now that I already have one boy and because this will be our last child, I really want that chance to have my own mini-me.  But I have heard really great things about boys who are that close in age growing up as best friends, so if we are blessed with another boy, so be it.  Healthy and happy are obviously priorities number 1 and 2 (but with a bow in the hair would just make it a little sweeter).
And of course...are you showing yet?  (Well, actually in person people just gawk at my midsection, obviously trying to see an emerging bump).
You can judge for yourself.  There is clearly a bulge there, but honestly, it's still hard for me to tell if it is the beginnings of baby bump or just evidence of my out-of-control eating and lack of working out for the last few weeks.  At 12 weeks, though, I know baby bump is close on the horizon (if that's not it already!).

I know you can rest easy now that you have these answers.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  Any big plans?  I'm personally looking forward to some much-needed relaxation and down time.


  1. Congratulations!! Heres hoping for a girl for you!! :)

  2. Man, glad I can sleep now that I know how nauseous you were feeling! Really though, this is all so exciting! Good luck on the girl, I'll think pink!


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